You've highlighted a crucial point about data and intuition balance. It's easy to become too reliant on data, neglecting the human element in cycling. Intuition, like the terrain ahead, can be unpredictable. However, it's not about choosing one over the other.
Data, serving as a 'cycling coach in your handlebars', helps maintain objectivity, keeping us grounded and pushing our limits. But, it's essential to remember that a power meter is merely a tool, not a mind-reader.
Perceived exertion, on the other hand, is invaluable in those split-second decisions. So, instead of favoring one or the other, why not strive for synergy? Both data and intuition can coexist, enhancing each other and providing a more comprehensive understanding of our performance.
How do you balance data and intuition in your cycling routine? #DataAndExperience #CyclingInsights #PowerMeters #RiderIntuition