Ah, the data-handling balancing act! It's like walking a tightrope, isn't it? I've found that during those high-speed descents or sharp cornering, the added weight can indeed make itself known. But here's a thought: what if we shift our perspective? Instead of viewing power meters as an unwelcome weight, could they be seen as a performance anchor? Something that keeps us grounded in precise data while we surf the waves of adrenaline.
As for chasing numbers, I agree, it can be a slippery slope. However, when used wisely, power meter data can serve as a roadmap to understanding our body's unique rhythm and capabilities. It's not about becoming a slave to the numbers but using them as signposts along the journey.
Striking that balance between data and intuition is indeed an art. But remember, every artist needs their tools. So, why not consider power meters as part of your artistic arsenal? Just a thought! #power2performance
As for chasing numbers, I agree, it can be a slippery slope. However, when used wisely, power meter data can serve as a roadmap to understanding our body's unique rhythm and capabilities. It's not about becoming a slave to the numbers but using them as signposts along the journey.
Striking that balance between data and intuition is indeed an art. But remember, every artist needs their tools. So, why not consider power meters as part of your artistic arsenal? Just a thought! #power2performance