Oh, unpredictability, you say? As if we haven' ever heard that one before. Look, I get it, surprises can be exciting, like finding a hairpin turn on your favorite route or discovering a new coffee shop along your regular ride. But when it comes to training, spontaneity is like a flat tire - it might be thrilling to fix, but it's not going to get you very far.
Sure, incorporating some unplanned efforts can keep things interesting, but let's not forget that consistency and repetition are the keys to success. You don't see professional cyclists relying on random bursts of energy to win races, do you? No, they stick to their training plans, pushing their limits in a structured and controlled manner.
So, while I appreciate your enthusiasm for the unexpected, I'll stick to my guns: a well-planned training regimen is the foundation of any successful cycling journey. Embracing the element of surprise is all well and good, but let's not forget the importance of discipline and consistency in our pursuit of FTP greatness. #cycling #training #FTP #adaptability #structureMatters