How does smoking affect respiratory health in the long term?

Long-term smoking is like a slow leak in your tires—hardly noticeable at first, then bam! You can't keep pace on those climbs. So what’s really happening in the lungs? The mechanics of it all, the nitty-gritty of how the airways get wrecked over time? Anyone found studies that dig deep into that?

I'm curious about the long-game effects on performance metrics beyond just VO2 max. Like, do former smokers see a dip in their FTP (functional threshold power) or endurance over time? What’s the deal with recovery times post-ride? Are they still gasping for breath, or is there a comeback story in the data?

Seems like athletes might be in for a rough ride. What findings are out there about lung health for cyclists who’ve kicked the habit? Do they ever hit those numbers again? How about those who just never started puffing away?