How do you think the week-long stage races have impacted the development of young riders?

"I'm not convinced week-long stage races have been a net positive for young riders. Has the pressure to perform really accelerated their growth, or just pushed them to exhaustion?"
so, if these week-long stage races are such a grind, are we just pumping out a bunch of exhausted riders with a side of mental breakdown? seriously, how many young cyclists are out there mentally fried before they even hit their prime? like, do teams think about that when they’re shuffling the calendar like a game of musical chairs? instead of finding the next prodigy, should they be tossing in some recovery days—or is that just a luxury no one can afford? feels like they’re more interested in the bling than the mental well-being. are we really preparing them for the big leagues, or just setting them up to flame out spectacularly? and for all the talk about building resilience, how much stress before it stops being a challenge and starts feeling like a chokehold? is there even a middle ground anymore, or is every ride just a high-stakes gamble?