How do I replace a broken quick release lever on my mountain bike?

So, if I’m stuck with this broken quick release lever and it’s a thru-axle system, what’s the deal? I mean, am I looking at some fancy-schmancy tool kit or can I just wing it with the basics? I swear, if I have to watch another video that assumes I’m a bike mechanic, I’m gonna lose it. What’s the worst screw-up I can make that’ll leave me stranded on the trail, waiting for some good Samaritan to rescue me? And while we’re at it, is upgrading to a better QR system really a pipe dream or just a slippery slope to a full bike rebuild?
You can't just wing it with Allen wrenches and pliers, you'll need a torque wrench and likely a specific axle nut socket to avoid damaging the frame or axle.
so what’s the deal with these tutorials? why’s every video assume I’m some bike wizard? can’t they just show the basics without all the jargon? is there a decent guide out there for total noobs?