Is it really necessary to stop and rest in the shade every time you start sweating, or can you just push through the heat and keep going, and whats the actual difference between heat exhaustion and just being really hot and uncomfortable, and why do some people seem to be able to ride for hours in 100-degree heat without any issues while others are collapsing after 20 minutes, and is it just a matter of being in better shape or is there something else going on, and can you actually die from heat exhaustion if you dont stop and rest, or is that just a myth perpetuated by overcautious cycling instructors, and whats the deal with all the conflicting advice on how to deal with heat exhaustion, with some people saying to drink tons of water and others saying thats just going to make things worse, and how are you supposed to know if youre actually experiencing heat exhaustion or just having a bad day, and is there some kind of test or checklist you can use to figure it out, or do you just have to rely on your own judgment and hope for the best, and whats the worst that could happen if you ignore the warning signs and keep riding, and is it really worth the risk, and can someone please just give a straight answer on this without launching into a long story about the time they got heat exhaustion on a ride.