Whats the point of even calling yourself a cyclist if you cant handle the mental pressure of a race with variables? Its not like its a surprise that things dont always go as planned. Yet, time and time again, I see riders crumbling under the slightest bit of adversity. Newsflash: the course isnt going to adapt to your fragile ego. The weather wont magically clear up just because youre having a bad day. And your competitors arent going to wait for you to get your head back in the game.
So, how do the rest of you supposedly experienced riders prepare for the inevitable mental breakdowns that come with racing? Do you have some secret mantra that magically makes you focus? Do you visualize yourself winning, only to be shocked when reality sets in? Or do you just pretend like youre some kind of mental toughness guru, only to fold like a cheap tent when the going gets tough?
Im not buying the its all about the training nonsense. We all know riders who can put in the miles but still cant hack it when the pressures on. And dont even get me started on the just relax and have fun crowd. If I wanted to just relax and have fun, Id be out on a casual Sunday ride, not racing.
So, whats the secret to staying focused when everything around you is going to hell? Or are you all just too afraid to admit that youre not as tough as you think you are?
So, how do the rest of you supposedly experienced riders prepare for the inevitable mental breakdowns that come with racing? Do you have some secret mantra that magically makes you focus? Do you visualize yourself winning, only to be shocked when reality sets in? Or do you just pretend like youre some kind of mental toughness guru, only to fold like a cheap tent when the going gets tough?
Im not buying the its all about the training nonsense. We all know riders who can put in the miles but still cant hack it when the pressures on. And dont even get me started on the just relax and have fun crowd. If I wanted to just relax and have fun, Id be out on a casual Sunday ride, not racing.
So, whats the secret to staying focused when everything around you is going to hell? Or are you all just too afraid to admit that youre not as tough as you think you are?