Zebee Johnstone said:I'd be very impressed if this lead to some really serious policing by
police, bike clubs, bike shops, and riders of riders who run red
lights under any circumstances. Police hanging out at city
intersections with radios to call head to intercept, bike clubs and
Bicycle Victoria and equivalents goingn all out in campaigns, bike
shops with posters and talking to cyclists, other cyclists making a
big deal of it.
You'd have to be living under a rock to have missed all the meedya discussion of this tragic incident, including VicPOL scheduling choppers to monitor the ride. Ditto all the continuing work by local councils, Bike Now (Code of Conduct), VicRoads, TAC, Police etc etc. Over the last few years riders on Beach Rd have already had to deal with intercepts, mainly done by tv crews after a story. Of which, the resulting effect did nothing but further polarise the issue of bunch behaviour/busting reds.
For starters, try this simple tip: google: "Hell Ride"
Click linky >> http://tinyurl.com/ypo6ex