"Inspector Howard Marrs, of Hampshire Police's roads policing unit, said
he had not received an application for this year's event, which was
planned for this Sunday."
"Organiser Garth Staden, of the South Down Velo Club, said an
application had been made to Hampshire Police which he understood had
been refused."
So did they or didn't they apply?
"Anyone who conducts an argument by appealing to authority is not using
his intelligence; he is just using his memory."
- Leonardo da Vinci
I think it was last year this race was stopped by the police on more than
one occasion for riders not following the agreed rules. ie crossing double
white lines.
Always get a few prats to spoil it for others.
I have seen a few of the British races that have been shown on Eurosport
this year,
These all appear to have been run with no major problems but other people
out there may know different.
squeaker wrote:
> [email protected] wrote:
>> Heard on the radio this morning - thin end of the wedge or what?
>> http://www.24dash.com/content/news/viewNews.php?navID=7&newsID=9066
> probably weren't wearing h*lm*ts either ;}
The rules state that you must wear a helmet when competing in a BCF road
race. You may not like it but tough. I think its quite reasonable. Some
of the 3rd-4th cat bunches I have been in have been very dangerous places.