Gay marrage..?

PseudoTrek said:
So was God. So, what has that to do with it?

Everything and nothing, depends where you sit. I think most people realize religion is an invention to help us deal with our own mortality rather than a factual entity. When this invention is used to justify unjustifiable things, IE war, terrorism, racism, murder etc, it becomes offensive. In my country we have a bill before Parliament called "Civil Union" which is being strongly opposed by Church's on the grounds that homosexuality is against god and/or marriage is a "Union between a man and a woman before god" back to what my post has to do with it....if marriage was about before the bible, it can not be claimed to be a religious based union, just one that religion has hijacked and called its own, there for the argument is void.
limerickman said:
As my good friend pictured opposite (Bob Fleming - from the Fast Show), would say :
"Hello viewers, and welcome to, achew achwew, acheew......I'll start that again...Hello viewers and welcome to, achew, achew, accccchhhhhhewww"
This waeek I 'ave been maostly eatin...brussel sprouts.

(back to the toilet)
PseudoTrek said:
how arrogant is it to say that our current level of knowlege CAN prove God's existance.
Well how do you explain the image of Bishop Brennans face appearing on Ted's skirting board on his upstairs landing?
:confused: You've all lost me.

Thanks for the interesting discussion. I guess we'll agree to disagree.
limerickman said:
Jesse's fashion tips were hilarious !
there are some classic sketches there...Ted the gardner is funny and the mens tailors...

'arent hats BRILLIANT, they're like these wolly things that keep your head warm and stop rain and stuff'