I actually learned how to balance a wheelchair and roll around on the
back wheels before I learned how to unicycle. I didn't find it that hard
at all... just a little weird getting used to leaning that far backward.
Balance and steering after that is pretty easy: spins, one hand, etc.
were pretty natural. Then I thought... wait a minute... I could learn to
unicycle. Thanks to grandma for the use of her wheelchair for a weekend,
I now unicycle too
rabbidous - Level 1.8
The Great Rabbidous has spoken. Muah ha ha haaaaaaaaaa.
rabbidous's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/5583
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/32300
back wheels before I learned how to unicycle. I didn't find it that hard
at all... just a little weird getting used to leaning that far backward.
Balance and steering after that is pretty easy: spins, one hand, etc.
were pretty natural. Then I thought... wait a minute... I could learn to
unicycle. Thanks to grandma for the use of her wheelchair for a weekend,
I now unicycle too
rabbidous - Level 1.8
The Great Rabbidous has spoken. Muah ha ha haaaaaaaaaa.
rabbidous's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/5583
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/32300