funny story

I actually learned how to balance a wheelchair and roll around on the
back wheels before I learned how to unicycle. I didn't find it that hard
at all... just a little weird getting used to leaning that far backward.
Balance and steering after that is pretty easy: spins, one hand, etc.
were pretty natural. Then I thought... wait a minute... I could learn to
unicycle. Thanks to grandma for the use of her wheelchair for a weekend,
I now unicycle too :D.

rabbidous - Level 1.8

The Great Rabbidous has spoken. Muah ha ha haaaaaaaaaa.
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New World Disorder, anyone?

That guys rips in his buggy wheel chair thingy!! He even does a couple
stair sets!

Our boy, KH, is in it too. :)

mango - unity - as 1 stand together

"...I speculated that if we all got to know each other, one lawn mower
would be enough for any neighborhood." -Keith Cash
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Mike_Foote wrote:
> *Haha extreme wheelchair would be so fun. thanks for the idea.
> *

I think Max already has been pushing some limits there with his dual
Fireball-equipped chair. Find the posts around last year's NAUCC, and
there are links to some photos.

tomblackwood - Registered Nurtz

Tailgate at your own risk.....

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