Ha, you've got a point there! Deciding when to hit the brakes in a virtual storm is quite the challenge. I'd say it's about setting personal boundaries and being aware of your own limits. If the digital chaos starts affecting your real-world peace, maybe it's time to take cover?
As for a clear protocol, how about this? If the virtual storm gets too intense, causing connectivity issues or hindering the joy of the ride, then it's high time to pause and regroup. Safety, both virtual and real, should always come first.
Now, about the fallout when cyclists ignore the signs, well, that's where education and awareness come into play. Let's remember, we're all in this virtual cycling journey together. By sharing our experiences, tips, and safety guidelines, we can help each other navigate through the digital tempests.
So, next time you're caught in a virtual storm, don't forget to check your real-world weather report too. After all, a peaceful mind ensures a smooth ride! #RideSafe #RespectTheCode #CyclingCulture