Is it true that our L5 and L6 wattage is genetically pre-determined and one we can't really increase?Originally Posted by RapDaddyo .
Yes, if your training goal is to increase your aerobic power (i.e., FTP). But, for racing you will want to eventually also put some quality time into L5s and L6s because you will be forced to go with the surges when they happen. The anaerobic repeats will gradually deplete the smaller of your two anaerobic "tanks" and eventually you get dropped unless you have a large enough anaerobic capacity. Think of racing as being somewhat like an Indy-type car race. You need a large enough gas tank to get to the finish line, but you also need enough turbo boost pushes to handle the accelerations.
I've heard people recommend others to do VO2Max Intervals (L5 ones) 5-6 weeks leading from an 'A' race because our VO2Max peaks really quicky and because it has short-term positive effects.
RapDaddyo, do you think there is any point in me structuring L5, L6 intervals into my trainer sessions at the moment?
Or, is it more something to do when I approach my racing session?