Dylan Wallinger wrote:
> *Actually, on my last pair of profiles, they were all rusted out on
> the inside which I think may have contributed to the breakage. Water
> was able to enter in through the hole and weaken the metal by
> rusting.-Dylan *
1. On my Profile cranks there is a hole on both that is located inside
the area where the pedal threads into the crank. I assume that this is
where water can drain from the crank and allow it to dry (as well as
enter the crank). IF your nubless profiles have those holes that may
have been the problem, if not, those holes may be the solution to the
problem. The hole where the nub is has been sealed well on mine - they
either came that way or perhaps Darren Bedford did it.
> -Originally posted by john_childs-
> *It's a style issue and a strength issue. You can't drill a hole in
> the crank, weld a threaded insert in the hole, and not weaken the
> crank. My Profile crank cracked and broke right at the hole.*
2. And that is when the lifetime warranty kicked in, right?
Safety issues aside, if they replaced it, then the it is only
inconvenient that it broke. IF the hole weakens their product and they
have to replace enough cranks because of it - they will correct the
error - otherwise the hole will probably remain to cut costs. (Which
*may* be why they stopped making them without the nub).
> -Originally posted by john_childs-
> *The Profile cranks have an anti-rust coating inside the crank. You
> don't need to be super paranoid that your Profile cranks are going to
> rust away.*
3. Actually, mine ARE rusting inside the area where the pedal threads
into the crank. I am more concerned that that area will be weakened and
break than I am about the nub area (even though there seems to be more
leverage on the nub area).
Still, I ride carefree on the rumor (there doesn't seem to be any
written warranty) that Profile will replace the crank if it breaks
a. a defect in the design or manufacture (nub falls into this
b. they rust out (because of the nub hole or holes in the thread area)
c. I (230 pounds) do a drop from the roof of my house and break them
If my understanding of the rumored warranty is correct, then the last
remaining issue is safety. We'd need to determine and consider:
1. If the crank with the nub always breaks first
2. What the rider was doing to break the crank (there is probably more
danger related to doing big drops).
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