foot position relieves knee inflammation



I'm recovering from a knee injury from running, about 2.5 years ago. I've
got some residual patellar tendonitis and front-of-knee inflammation which
has resulted in some poor knee-cap tracking which was getting aggravated
when I cycled.

By chance, I slid my feet forward on the pedals so that I was pedalling
like I did when I was a kid; with my shoe heels up against the back of the
pedal. For a reason I don't really understand, this has helped take the
pressure off my knee and my knee-cap tracking is smooth and continuous all
of the time. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? I'm left
wondering whether my bike's geometry is particularly unsuitable for me, and
whether this time next year I'll be riding a 'cruiser' or even, ye gads, a
recumbant :-(
