Bob Schwartz <
[email protected]> wrote:
>Davide Tosi <[email protected]> wrote:
>> And it's not true that something wasn't broken. The Giro with almost only
>> Italian teams wasn't something in line with the history of this sport.
>> Something needed to be done.
>What do you think is more likely? That the TT1's that are currently skipping
>the Giro will start sending competitive riders? Or that the TT1's that are
>currently skipping the Giro will hire cheap and marginal riders until they
>get to 28 and then send them to races they don't care about (like the Giro)
>to get ground up into lunch meat?
>This could be a terrible thing for the Giro.
But that's not what is going to happen.
Even now there are riders that would like to ride the Giro but their teams
sponsors don't consider it worth.
Many riders in teams like Quickstep or T-Mobile declared that they would
have come to ride the Giro if their team did.
Anyway, in case even this doesn't work, something else must be done. I
would go as far as making Giro partecipation compulsory for every rider who
wants to ride the Tour.
But you yankees only have to blame yourselves for this situation. Before
the coming of USA top riders, for each and any top stage racer winning Giro
and Tour in the same year was *the ultimate goal*.
Then came first Greg and than Lance from yankeeland and the whole cycling
hyerarchy of priorities changed. Go **** yourselves.
Personally I hope that if really Giro has to become a minor race forever,
than pro cycling goes to hell with it.