Maybe you wanna "re-animate" it?
Or maybe you can just put a motor in it.
Lately I am seeing alot of cats in 2D... But I guess thats from cars...
I get lots of pigeons jumping in front of me but no "fatalities" yet...
One thing that really bugs me though...
They made this "amazing" cycle path recently in the city I live in... Its in the middle of a big seaside sidewalk. Its like 60 meters away from the road and its right next to the seaside.
I even made a Strava segment out of it... On a good day you can average 40kmh on the whole thing... But....
Eeeeeverybody is on it... and not just these really slow cruisers... There are babies there too. Tricycle babies... Babies with small mountain bikes with support wheels... Babies with mountain bikes... bigger babies with small bikes... Lots and lots of babies... and they are f@ckin random on the road...
They tend to fall every 60meters or so. The moment I see one I get out of the way in a >5meters radius...
One of them one time coming from the opposite direction ACTUALLY CENTERED ON ME and STARTING RIDING RIGHT TOWARDS ME, like one of those heat seeking missiles... and then another 13 yo with an old steel road bike did the same a few days later!!!
Its not only that I feel kinda uncomfortable around them... They actually try to KNOCK ME OF MY BIKE TOO!!! I was on an organized bicycle tour once. For a moment I was behind a 7yo or something who was enjoying going zig-zag for no reason what so ever. A second later it fell... I was about 3 meters behind it... f@ckin scary... Every time I see one I just go as clear from them as I can...