epic stage 3 in TOC

On Nov 16, 6:55 pm, "Tom Kunich" <cyclintom@yahoo. com> wrote:
> "Scott" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > I suggest that you're an argumentative idiot. I don't give half a
> > damn about Roll, or Hampsten, or why Hampsten doesn't give more props
> > to Roll, or whatever.

> And yet you call Roll a liar. Interesting indeed.
> > You first mentioned your concern over Hampsten not mentioning Roll
> > when he speaks of that day on the Gavia. I merely mentioned it may
> > not be the case that the events of the day happened quite the way Roll
> > recalls them.

> Right, the most monumental stage in history and he doesn't remember it the
> way it happened. Can you grow smaller yet?
> > I damn sure don't mean to belittle Roll

> Oh, wait - you mean you simply wanted to belittle me? Hey, at 6'4" and 200
> lbs I could stand a little belittling. I'd even appreciate it. But instead
> you've managed to make yourself smaller.
> > Okay, wait... in all honesty, I am peeved by his incessant
> > mispronounciation of Tour DAY France, which may have been funny to
> > some when he first did it, but which has long worn out any humor value
> > it ever had.

> My, you grow more adult by the word count.


I didn't call Roll a liar. I merely suggested that, as a reason why
Hampsten doesn't mention him, that perhaps he (Roll) tells the story
differently than how Hampsten remembers it. Maybe its Hampsten who's
memory is faulty. I don't know. Surely you can appreciate how some
memories, especially memories of epic events, grow with age. Sort of
like the old adage, 'the older I get, the faster I was.' FWIW, if you
didn't see the humor in my final paragraph, you really should relax a
bit. Not only was I poking fun at Roll, I was providing a bit of
absurd proof that perhaps I DO have something against Roll. As if his
pronounciation of TdF is really that big a deal. C'mon, man, lighten

In article <2624d7df-2b46-462a-97e2-f9bc19513cd2@p69g2000hsa.googlegroups.com>,
Scott <[email protected]> wrote:

[Responding to TK]

> C'mon, man, lighten up.

You aren't going to hold your breath waiting for that to happen, are you, Scott?


Safe when used as directed...

remove YOUR SHOES to reply, ok?
> [Responding to TK]
>> C'mon, man, lighten up.

> You aren't going to hold your breath waiting for that to happen, are
> you, Scott?

Well, according to other RBR threads, you can at least give up on hell
freezing over first...

--Mike Jacoubowsky
Chain Reaction Bicycles
Redwood City & Los Altos, CA USA

"Howard Kveck" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> In article
> <2624d7df-2b46-462a-97e2-f9bc19513cd2@p69g2000hsa.googlegroups.com>,
> Scott <[email protected]> wrote:
> [Responding to TK]
>> C'mon, man, lighten up.

> You aren't going to hold your breath waiting for that to happen, are
> you, Scott?
> --
> tanx,
> Howard
> Safe when used as directed...
> remove YOUR SHOES to reply, ok?
"Scott" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> On Nov 16, 6:55 pm, "Tom Kunich" <cyclintom@yahoo. com> wrote:
>> And yet you call Roll a liar. Interesting indeed.

> I didn't call Roll a liar. I merely suggested that, as a reason why
> Hampsten doesn't mention him, that perhaps he (Roll) tells the story
> differently than how Hampsten remembers it. Maybe its Hampsten who's
> memory is faulty. I don't know. Surely you can appreciate how some
> memories, especially memories of epic events, grow with age. Sort of
> like the old adage, 'the older I get, the faster I was.' FWIW, if you
> didn't see the humor in my final paragraph, you really should relax a
> bit. Not only was I poking fun at Roll, I was providing a bit of
> absurd proof that perhaps I DO have something against Roll. As if his
> pronounciation of TdF is really that big a deal. C'mon, man, lighten
> up.

Consider this - the cars couldn't go through that storm. They had to take a
detour. So, if you READ what Hampsten wrote about getting all wet and not
having any warm clothing until he got them from the team car you have to
wonder HOW he got them from a team car that wasn't allowed on the Stelvio.