Tony Raven
JNugent wrote on 10/07/2006 09:35 +0100:
> To claim that motor vehicles are driven along footways like bikes is the
> most appalling nonsense - and you and all the others who try to claim it
> know that.
> Any collisions which occur between pedestrians and motor vehicles on
> "footways" must happen mainly at footway crossings (FWIW, I don't think
> that the priorities at cross-overs are properly understood) or as a
> result of losing control and mounting the footway. I suspect that
> "failure to accord precedence" at carriageway pedestrian crossings are
> added in there - and that accidents allegedly caused by pedestrians
> diverting onto the carriageway around parked vehicles are also being
> added in. The idea that motor vehicles are being driven along footways
> into pedestrians would be laughable id the suggestion were not so
> outrageous. Of all the vehicles that are supposed to travel on the
> carriageway, it's only bikes that travel along the footway.
A hell of a lot of presumptions there, many of which are clearly wrong
and the rest have no evidence to support them. They are pedestrians
killed on the footway by motor vehicles (not including pedestrian
crossings which are not footways). Either the motor vehicles were
driving along the footway or failing to give way crossing the footway or
on the footway through a loss of control. Either way, even if you
assume that none of them drove on the footway, they still managed to
kill 280 times as many pedestrians on the footway as the cyclist you
accuse of deliberately cycling there (assuming they were not crossing
the footway too). That makes it even worse as the deliberate act of
cyclists is 280 less risk to pedestrians than the unintended
consequences of driving a motor vehicle.
"Anyone who conducts an argument by appealing to authority is not using
his intelligence; he is just using his memory."
- Leonardo da Vinci
> To claim that motor vehicles are driven along footways like bikes is the
> most appalling nonsense - and you and all the others who try to claim it
> know that.
> Any collisions which occur between pedestrians and motor vehicles on
> "footways" must happen mainly at footway crossings (FWIW, I don't think
> that the priorities at cross-overs are properly understood) or as a
> result of losing control and mounting the footway. I suspect that
> "failure to accord precedence" at carriageway pedestrian crossings are
> added in there - and that accidents allegedly caused by pedestrians
> diverting onto the carriageway around parked vehicles are also being
> added in. The idea that motor vehicles are being driven along footways
> into pedestrians would be laughable id the suggestion were not so
> outrageous. Of all the vehicles that are supposed to travel on the
> carriageway, it's only bikes that travel along the footway.
A hell of a lot of presumptions there, many of which are clearly wrong
and the rest have no evidence to support them. They are pedestrians
killed on the footway by motor vehicles (not including pedestrian
crossings which are not footways). Either the motor vehicles were
driving along the footway or failing to give way crossing the footway or
on the footway through a loss of control. Either way, even if you
assume that none of them drove on the footway, they still managed to
kill 280 times as many pedestrians on the footway as the cyclist you
accuse of deliberately cycling there (assuming they were not crossing
the footway too). That makes it even worse as the deliberate act of
cyclists is 280 less risk to pedestrians than the unintended
consequences of driving a motor vehicle.
"Anyone who conducts an argument by appealing to authority is not using
his intelligence; he is just using his memory."
- Leonardo da Vinci