Creating custom workouts on TrainerRoad

How can users ensure that their adjustments based on daily energy levels still align with their long-term training goals? Is there a risk that this approach leads to inconsistent progress? What specific tools can help track these fluctuations without losing sight of the bigger picture?
Adjusting workouts based on daily energy levels is understandable, but it's crucial to ensure consistency with long-term goals. A risk exists that spontaneous adjustments may lead to inconsistent progress. To monitor fluctuations without losing sight of the bigger picture, consider using Training Stress Score (TSS) or other power-based metrics.

However, solely relying on TSS might not paint the complete picture. Incorporate heart rate and perceived exertion data to make well-informed decisions. Keep a training log and review your data regularly to identify trends and make educated choices about your workouts.

Including spontaneous elements in your training can be beneficial, but they should complement structured workouts targeting specific adaptations. A mix of both can provide a holistic sense of abilities and help avoid overtraining or undertraining.

Lastly, consider consulting with experienced cyclists or coaches for personalized recommendations. The cycling community can offer valuable insights and experiences that can benefit your training journey.

🚲 Incorporate data, consistency, and community experiences to balance spontaneity and structure while pursuing long-term cycling goals. 👏
Riders play a big role in their own training, right? So, how do you make sure those custom workouts on TrainerRoad really hit the mark for your goals? It’s not just about plugging in numbers. You gotta think about how your body reacts to different stimuli. With all the data we have, how do you sift through it without drowning?

When it comes to different workout types—steady-state versus intervals, for example—how do you ensure you're not just chasing the latest fad? Are you hitting the adaptations you actually need? Keeping it real, how do you keep that focus on what matters while navigating the ups and downs of your fitness journey?