Cooldown intervals: High-cadence spinning post-effort

Is the cycling community clinging to high-cadence spinning as a cool-down method due to lack of understanding about genuine recovery techniques? Maybe it's time to scrutinize the science and folklore behind it. How do high-cadence cool-downs compare with proven recovery methods like stretching, nutrition, and rest? Let's examine the facts and challenge the status quo. #cycling #recovery #science
Is the cycling community just spinning its wheels with high-cadence cooldowns, or is there more to this tale? What if we dug deeper into how these spins stack up against tried-and-true recovery methods like foam rolling or proper refueling? Could it be that the allure of high-cadence spinning is just a flashy distraction from the real work? And what about the role of individual differences—do some riders genuinely benefit from this method while others are just going through the motions? Let’s peel back the layers and see what the data really says! 🤔