Cooldown intervals: High-cadence spinning post-effort - is it just a myth perpetuated by lazy cyclists?
Seriously, whats the real benefit of incorporating high-cadence spinning into your cooldown routine? Is it just a way to make yourself feel better about not putting in the actual work during the ride? Ive seen guys finishing up a casual spin and then jumping into 20 minutes of easy spinning, claiming its for recovery and flushing out lactic acid. Give me a break. If youre not pushing yourself during the ride, youre not going to reap the benefits of high-intensity interval training.
And another thing, whats with the arbitrary 10-15 minute mark for cooldowns? Is there some scientific basis for this, or is it just a number that sounds good? Ive seen studies suggesting that active recovery can be beneficial, but theyre usually talking about low-intensity aerobic exercise, not this high-cadence spinning nonsense.
Lets hear from the experts out there - whats the real deal with cooldown intervals and high-cadence spinning? Are you just wasting your time, or is there something Im missing?
Seriously, whats the real benefit of incorporating high-cadence spinning into your cooldown routine? Is it just a way to make yourself feel better about not putting in the actual work during the ride? Ive seen guys finishing up a casual spin and then jumping into 20 minutes of easy spinning, claiming its for recovery and flushing out lactic acid. Give me a break. If youre not pushing yourself during the ride, youre not going to reap the benefits of high-intensity interval training.
And another thing, whats with the arbitrary 10-15 minute mark for cooldowns? Is there some scientific basis for this, or is it just a number that sounds good? Ive seen studies suggesting that active recovery can be beneficial, but theyre usually talking about low-intensity aerobic exercise, not this high-cadence spinning nonsense.
Lets hear from the experts out there - whats the real deal with cooldown intervals and high-cadence spinning? Are you just wasting your time, or is there something Im missing?