Cheney Aide Named as Secret Source in CIA Leak Probe

Good article. Where are all of the Rethug's suporters? Must have crawled back under their rocks...
as a pre teen i discovered benny hill on the telly, the closest thing we had to this was the show, "laugh in", in no way a direct comparison, yet still humorously provocative. as it stands now, violence is deemed acceptable viewing content as rated for kids, but as soon as sexuality is involved, the ratings kick in to warn the parents...

limerickman said:
It is one of the contradictions of the USA which I really cannot fathom.

It is amusing how certain sections of middle America seem to get so uptight
about sexuality and who's banging who.
If kids are used to seeing violence on TV when they're very young, maybe the Rethugs think they'll be ready to fight in their wars when they reach 18, but they can't drink a beer or smoke a cigarrette until they're 21.

Kind of the same thinking as the anti-abortionists - they need cannon fodder and low-income workers to keep the military-industrial machine running smoothly, but the anti-sex thing is nothing more than moralistic grandstanding and hypocracy.
Wurm said:
If kids are used to seeing violence on TV when they're very young, maybe the Rethugs think they'll be ready to fight in their wars when they reach 18, but they can't drink a beer or smoke a cigarrette until they're 21.

Kind of the same thinking as the anti-abortionists - they need cannon fodder and low-income workers to keep the military-industrial machine running smoothly, but the anti-sex thing is nothing more than moralistic grandstanding and hypocracy.
It show's that the evangelical follower's of the re"thug"lican party are very easy manipulated. REINSTATE THE DRAFT. Bushco. would pull outta' there (Iraq) faster than a conservative from a freedom march :eek: :D
Why not let's appoint a monkey to the SC? Or one of GWB's brothers, same diff. :rolleyes::rolleyes: