Simon Brooke
in message <[email protected]>, Peter Clinch
('[email protected]') wrote:
>> Now what are Cannondale like as a manufacturer? On second thoughts I
>> think I'll buy a motor bike. Thanks for all your help anyway.
> More like BMW than Ford, but then there are people who drive Fords
> professionally for a lifetime and like them and people who think
> they're shite and won't touch them with a barge-pole.
More like Lotus than either. Brilliant, innovative chassis design and
engineering, but too often finished with bits out of half a dozen
different people's parts bins.
[email protected] (Simon Brooke) http://www.jasmine.org.uk/~simon/
;; If God does not write LISP, God writes some code so similar to
;; LISP as to make no difference.
('[email protected]') wrote:
>> Now what are Cannondale like as a manufacturer? On second thoughts I
>> think I'll buy a motor bike. Thanks for all your help anyway.
> More like BMW than Ford, but then there are people who drive Fords
> professionally for a lifetime and like them and people who think
> they're shite and won't touch them with a barge-pole.
More like Lotus than either. Brilliant, innovative chassis design and
engineering, but too often finished with bits out of half a dozen
different people's parts bins.
[email protected] (Simon Brooke) http://www.jasmine.org.uk/~simon/
;; If God does not write LISP, God writes some code so similar to
;; LISP as to make no difference.