Qui si parla Campagnolo wrote:
> another wheel company on our 'how do they stay in biz' list.
Easy...sell the whole thing to Easton and let them deal with all the
disgruntled customers.
I remember looking at some sort of "users manual" on these wheels a
while back and LMAO at the advice they gave on how to deal with a
broken spoke in the field (i.e.., 80 miles from anywhere). The
directions started off with something about having to use a cigarette
lighter or "similar device" directly on the hub in order to melt the
thread locking compound so that you can then yank out the broken spoke
with a pair of vice grips. Of course that was just the beginning of
the fun...never mind trying to actually install the new spoke and
heaven forbid if the original happened to break flush at the hub.
A cigarette lighter in your jersey pocket? Too bad Bic still isn't
around as a big-time ProTour sponsor. They could get some mileage
outta that one.