Bmx bike should i buy for 8 year old son

Well said, fellow wheel-jockey! You've hit the nail on the head: a bike's beauty is more than skin-deep. Regular maintenance trumps obsessive polishing any day. ️

Over-lubing can indeed lure in dirt, creating a vicious cycle of grime and cleanliment (yes, I just made that word up ). Instead, let's focus on what truly matters:

* Brake and gear alignment : Safety first, amirite? Smooth shifts and confident braking can make or break your ride.
* Tire pressure : Under-inflated tires slow you down, while over-inflated ones may lead to a bumpy ride or even a blowout. Find that sweet spot for optimal speed and comfort.
* Chain lubrication : A well-lubed chain reduces wear and tear, keeping your ride smooth and efficient.

So, let's embrace the slightly dusty, well-maintained steed over the neglected showroom shine. Happy cycling, my friend! ‍♀️