Denny Voorhees
"Tom Blum
> Hence my post. The info I came across was the first negatives other than "SHORT LEGS NEED NOT
> APPLY". Just seeing if the true believers agreed at all.
> Thanks,
Aha! I should have suspected things have been TOO quiet of late on the Newsgroup. Careful, we
Bacchettites are a small but loyal tribe. Much akin to the RANSrunners. Some of us straddle the
fence between the cultures (in comfort of course). I should have suspected a short legged person
would try to incite us, Randy Newman is Right! Gawd I wish it would warm up enough to ride...26
degrees today and windy Denny in Sayre, Pa Bacchetta Giro, 97 RANS Vrex, Ez-1 "Bent but not Broken"
> Tom
> Hence my post. The info I came across was the first negatives other than "SHORT LEGS NEED NOT
> APPLY". Just seeing if the true believers agreed at all.
> Thanks,
Aha! I should have suspected things have been TOO quiet of late on the Newsgroup. Careful, we
Bacchettites are a small but loyal tribe. Much akin to the RANSrunners. Some of us straddle the
fence between the cultures (in comfort of course). I should have suspected a short legged person
would try to incite us, Randy Newman is Right! Gawd I wish it would warm up enough to ride...26
degrees today and windy Denny in Sayre, Pa Bacchetta Giro, 97 RANS Vrex, Ez-1 "Bent but not Broken"
> Tom