Are summit's good?

darchibald wrote:
> *Yeah I noticed the pedals, plus the site (if you'd call it that)
> doesn't look very professional. Also why would they call it a
> diamondback if it was a summit? Finally I think the crown looks a
> little different too, but I'm not sure.
> David *

Tom Blackwood's 'orange'
( 'trials'
( 'uni'
( (as seen in JC's
Moab '04 gallery) looks a lot like the eBay model. The crown is
definately different than my Summit...and neither the eBay or Tom's uni
have a 'Summit' sticker on them.

(edited to fix a link)

entropy - life in balance
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i have no idea, but could it be that summits were made at the factory
her diamondbacks are produced, as many of the factories in taiwan
manufacture components for more than one brand of bikes/uni etc...

tom_edmonds - Finally...less talking, more riding

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leo wrote:
> john_childs wrote:
> > *
> > Any unicycle wheel that is going to be abused be it a muni,
> > trials uni, freestyle uni, or street uni, should have the wheel
> > tensioned up before you start abusing it. *

> disagree unless you add
> .... in case this wheel is asembled of a wrong combination of parts.

All of the wheel parts on the Summit and KH are good parts. Good hub,
good spokes, good rim. The only problem is the wheel build.

I will agree in the case of the Sun unicycles, chrome Torker unicycles,
and others, that the steel rim makes for a junky wheel. In that case
the wheel does have the wrong combination of parts. There is not much
that you can do to fix one of those steel rim wheels, other than having
the wheel rebuilt with a good alloy rim. Trying to do any sort of
trials on a steel rim will eventually result in a tacoed wheel.

I should also add here that the black Torkers come with an alloy rim. I
think it's only a single walled rim, but it's much much better than the
steel rims. I don't want to disparage all of the Torker unicycles. The
black Torkers are a good deal and a decent wheel.

john_childs - Guinness Mojo

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entropy wrote:
> *Tom Blackwood's orange trials uni (as seen in JC's Moab '04 gallery)
> looks a lot like the eBay model. The crown is definately different
> than my Summit...and neither the eBay or Tom's uni have a 'Summit'
> sticker on them.*

A better picture of it is at the link below, and it's large format so
you can get a fair amount of detail. Plus it shows the Summit during its
prime, before Harper threw it in the path of a moving semi, and Childs
tossed it into a dumpster to fend for itself.

The reason it has no Summit stickers is because I'm not a big sticker
guy, and I removed them. It's been a fine machine, but I did need to
take it to my LBS first thing to have the wheel professionally
tightened. The spokes were WAY loose on arrival.

tomblackwood - Registered Nurtz

Tailgate at your own risk.....

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If you have lots of money and patience, wait for the new KH or get an
ONZA. If you want a good unicycle at a good price, get the summit. We
have two in our household and are very satisfied with them, in spite of
their slight porkiness.

The two we have do look different from one another. One has "V" shape
welds on the crown, and the other has "/" marks. One has a viscount,
and one has a KH seat. Kids are doing four foot plus drops on them with
no problems so far.

elmer - uniimpaired

"At 40 life show."
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The "Diamond Back" on eBay appears to be for real. It's not some mystery
frame if it's that color. It's a Summit frame, and the splined crankset
that comes with it. The current price, with just over 11 hours to go, is
only $137! Go for it.

I would immediately change out the seat, and of course make sure the
spokes are properly tensioned.

johnfoss - Walkin' on the edge

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