Steven M. O'Neill
<[email protected]> wrote:
>Steven M. O'Neill wrote:
>> Which yoga poses?
>This one will probably work well enough.
>peruse the site and you will probably find others that suit you.
Thanks. I'm interested in finding more about the relationship
between cycling and yoga, but I haven't been able to find much
on the web.
One thing is that cycling and yoga seem to work in opposite ways
on my hamstrings (which are generally very tight).
The other thing is that when I'm cycling, I try to think of my
body as being in downward dog (externally rotate upper arms,
draw shoulders down, etc). This feels right, but I wonder if
others find it useful.
Steven O'Neill [email protected]
Brooklyn, NY
>Steven M. O'Neill wrote:
>> Which yoga poses?
>This one will probably work well enough.
>peruse the site and you will probably find others that suit you.
Thanks. I'm interested in finding more about the relationship
between cycling and yoga, but I haven't been able to find much
on the web.
One thing is that cycling and yoga seem to work in opposite ways
on my hamstrings (which are generally very tight).
The other thing is that when I'm cycling, I try to think of my
body as being in downward dog (externally rotate upper arms,
draw shoulders down, etc). This feels right, but I wonder if
others find it useful.
Steven O'Neill [email protected]
Brooklyn, NY