actual time between eating and seeing either fat or muscle

"Pizza Girl" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> I am very sorry you cannot follow a thread.

It's your refusal to stop top-posting despite being asked
you should be sorry about. Specious statements about
threading can't disguise the fact you contradicted yourself
and are unwilling/unable to back up your claims.

Once upon a time, our fellow MattLB rambled on about "Re:
actual time between eating and seeing either fat or muscle."
Our champion De-Medicalizing in retorts,
thusly ...

>It's your refusal to stop top-posting despite being asked
>you should be sorry about. Specious statements about
>threading can't disguise the fact you contradicted yourself
>and are unwilling/unable to back up your claims.

Ha, ... Hah, Ha!

Could be why she is called: Pizza Girl?

Get a life, .... Oh, unnecessary duplicant without a life!

Do something useful today, ... exercise.

And, I don't mean your wimpy yoga!

Ha, ... Hah, Ha!
On Mon, 22 Mar 2004 21:59:22 GMT, "Pizza Girl" <[email protected]>

>I am very sorry you cannot follow a thread.

Is that your stock response when your silly utterances are

>"MattLB" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>news:[email protected]...
>> Pizza Girl wrote:
>> >
>> > Who would you quote for exercise references? Your
>> > doctor or dentist?
>> >
>> > The body confusion principle is one defined by Weider
>> > for bodybuilders
>> > advance their muscle size.
>> And has nothing to do with sugars making you lose weight,
>> which is what you originally claimed.
>> > (of course you would know all this since it was
>> > developed back in 1960 and you have been doing a pushup
>> > from time to
>> > This also applies to other things in life such as low
>> > fat diets.
>> How does muscle confusion apply to low fat diets?
>> > Try eating a greasy pizza the night before weighing in
>> > and see for
>> Do greasy pizzas not confuse muscles then?
>> MattLB
IF she eats something, the except the calories that are
immediately used,
> the calories will mostly be stored in the liver as fat or
> glycogen (sugars are stored as glycogen, fats as fats, and
> extra protein not used for building muscle, brain, etc.,
> as fat or glycogen). Eventually, if you don't burn it up,
> it will move to the muscles or fat cells or fuel storage.
> One of the liver's jobs is to absorb extra calories after
> a meal and to release them at times of need, like
> overnight, during excercise and between meals. I don't
> know the exact time course, but I imagine that extra
> desert, etc., is converted into fat rather quickly, like
> hours to a day or two, depending on the quantity and
> metabolism and immediate metabolic needs of the person.
> BTW, the actual answer doesn't really matter too much.
> If you take in more calories than you use, the calories
> are converted to fat. Calories gained = calories taken
> in - calories burned. And calories get converted to fat
> if not used.

Thanks! That's pretty much what I was looking for, answer-
wise. Didn't know others have issues! Jeff