On Wed, 8 Sep 2004 11:08:04 -0700, "Jeff Strickland" <
[email protected]> wrote:
.."Mike Vandeman" <
[email protected]> wrote in message
[email protected]...
..> To the Editor:
..> The hurricanes in Florida teach an important lesson: there are some places
..> humans should not live! We are arrogant enough to believe that the entire
..> belongs to us, and that we have the right to go anywhere and do anything
..that we
..> wish. But so far we haven't been smart enough to learn how to live
..> Humans can't live in Florida without massive aid from out of state. People
..> the desert Southwest can't survive without sucking whole rivers dry. Most
..> Americans' lifestyles depend on a supply of fossil fuel from halfway
..around the
..> world. And the ultimate in unsustainable living is space travel!
..> George W. Bush's goal seems to be to prolong this profligate
..> living-beyond-our-means as long as possible -- at least long enough for he
..> his rich friends to profit from it, and leave the nation holding the bag:
..> largest debt in our nation's history! For promoting nuclear weapons and
..> destruction of our environment, he represents the greatest living threat
..to life
..> on Earth. We need to get rid of this usurper before he does any more
..> Please vote for John Kerry!
..> For more information, see
..Where people want to live is not an issue of Presidential agenda, and people
..are going to live where they want no matter who is occupying the Oval
..Office. You are mixing apples and oranges here, and the sauce it creates is
..not appealing to anybody.
..You can make the statement that Bush is promoting nuclear weapons, et al,
..but this has nothing at all to do with living in Florida or the desert
..southwest, or anyplace else for that matter. The ONLY lessons from Florida
..is that it gets windy sometimes, and they don't know how to vote.
Think a little. Both are unsustainable.
I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to
humans ("pure habitat"). Want to help? (I spent the previous 8
years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)