On 21 Oct 2004 13:51:12 -0700,
[email protected] (**** Durbin) wrote:
..Mike Vandeman <
[email protected]> wrote in message news:<
[email protected]>...
..> .That the transitory presence of a human does not drive wildlife off
..> .their range permanently. They move off a certain distance then resume
..> .their activity.
..> If there are enough humans, they leave permanently. Or die, from lack of usable
..> habitat.
..That's not the focus of the study or the findings of the authors.
See _Wildlife and Recreationists_.
..> .> .Not at all irrelevant. If you live on 100 acres and set aside 50
..> .> .acres you have done something impressive. If you live on a typical
..> .> .American lot of 60' by 120' and you set aside the back yard as off
..> .> .limits to humans, you have done little except ******** the neighbors
..> .> .for not mowing.
..> .>
..> .> 12% of my property.
..> .
..> .Twelve percent of what? Ten thousand square feet? Ten acres?
..> Irrelevant.
..Refer to my previous statement. What harm would it do to answer the
..question with an honest answer?
I just did.
..> .I'm not aware of mountain bikers getting into deer or elk range when
..> .deep snow is making it hard for the animals to forage. Of course, I'm
..> .not a mountain biker and I live in Florida so I am not up on the cold
..> .weather practices of mountain bikers.
..> They have the same effect, regardless of snow or lack of it.
..Healthy, well fed animals can tolerate a lot more human intrusion than
..can stock weakened by lack of easily accessible forage due to deep
So what?
..> God, you are slow!
..Again, insults add nothing to the discussion.
But true.
..> .> .By observing which species can accept what level of human intrusion.
..> .> .Keep in mind that, to wildlife, humans are no different than a
..> .> .predator.
..> .>
..> .> BS. There are lots of reasons they don't like having us around, e.g. scaring
..> .> birds off the nest, which alerts predators to its location.
..> .
..> .And you think that birds react differently to humans than they do
..> .other animals?
..> Irrelevant.
..Not at all. Remember how, when Bob the cat would go out in the yard,
..the squirrels barked at him and the birds scolded him? In the wild,
..they react the same way to deer, bobcats, humans and all other animals
..that come into their territory.
Your point being?
..> .I said the paper was good, not your extrapolations from the data
..> .provided by the scientists. As I told you before, I'm a roadie, not a
..> .mountain biker.
..> I didn't extrapolate. Can't you read?
..Yes, Michael, I can read. What is more important, I can comprehend
..what is written by real wildlife biologists. They made no case for
..requiring humans to stay completely out of wildlife habitat. You made
..that leap.
I wasn't using that paper to argue for that, but it DOES prove that ALL
recreationists have an impact on wildlife, so it would be better (for elk, in
this case) to ban humans. QED
..**** Durbin
..Going to the lake in my subdivision to put up Wood Duck nesting boxes.
I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to
humans ("pure habitat"). Want to help? (I spent the previous 8
years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)