17 known impeachable offenses (so far) by The Worst Administration Ever™

The sooner we impeach Bush the sooner we can get **** Cheney in the Oval Office where he belongs.
China is a multicultural and multilingual country and has been since most Westerners were living in mud huts with their livestock.
Islam is officially recognized in China and is the fastest growing religion.
You've got to be kidding. The Chinese leadership have absolutely no intention of making the same mistakes as Europe by allowing organized religion to flourish. Organized religion in China is prohibited big time and that includes Islam. Anyone who can show me a typical Islamic Jihadist demonstration in China calling upon death to Chinese infidels (and they all are) is welcome to provide any proof. I think we all know if the mullahs tried to pull that one off in Bejing they'd be looking down the barrel of a few hundred tanks.
China isn't multicultural. The people speak Mandarin, maybe some Cantonese. Jobs are created for Chinese people and they make sure their people have the skills to fill these jobs so they don't have to rely on imported skilled labour like in the U.K.
That's why China is now the world's fastest growing economy. ;) We could learn a lot from China.

stevebaby said:
China is a multicultural and multilingual country and has been since most Westerners were living in mud huts with their livestock.
Islam is officially recognized in China and is the fastest growing religion.
Carrera said:
I suspect Bush invaded for a variety of reasons:
(1) He had a very naieve conception he could transfer democracy to the Middle East in the same way as Japan after WW2.
(2) He believed once sanctions came to an end, the U.S. would be pushed out of the oil market and ousted by Russia and France. Maybe he also suspected Iraq could rearm and Saddam could try to advance a WMD program.
(3) He had a personal beef with Saddam that clouded his judgement seeing as Saddam tried to assassinate Bush Senior.
Having said all that, I think this stuff about Bush personally being involved in the twin towers attacks stretches credibility beyond all boundaries. This theory first took root immediately after the 9/11 attacks in parts of the Arab World and was later adapted by extreme liberals in America and Europe. It's source lies in denial that there was ever a serious threat posed by Al Quaida which is something Bill Clinton would strongly deny - as he took Bin Laden quite seriously.

I suspect you've drank the Kool-Aid.
Carrera said:
You've got to be kidding. The Chinese leadership have absolutely no intention of making the same mistakes as Europe by allowing organized religion to flourish. Organized religion in China is prohibited big time and that includes Islam. Anyone who can show me a typical Islamic Jihadist demonstration in China calling upon death to Chinese infidels (and they all are) is welcome to provide any proof. I think we all know if the mullahs tried to pull that one off in Bejing they'd be looking down the barrel of a few hundred tanks.
China isn't multicultural. The people speak Mandarin, maybe some Cantonese. Jobs are created for Chinese people and they make sure their people have the skills to fill these jobs so they don't have to rely on imported skilled labour like in the U.K.
That's why China is now the world's fastest growing economy. ;) We could learn a lot from China.
Chinese language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Postcard from China - Islam of the Orient
Google Image Result for http://www.humboldt.edu/~afr2/2001/photos/xian/images/Xian_Mosque02.jpg
Note poster in Mandarin promoting a biography of ObL,displayed in KunMing.
Multiculturalism is what I always referred to as a psuedo science not really based on any actual research as a social political system. I believe it originated somehow amongst the liberal movement in New York - the whole idea that a society should have no dominant race or culture specifically.
The concept was even embodied in Star Trek.
China and Japan, however, are not multicultural. Teaching in Japanese and Chinese schools is done in Chinese or Japanese and the dominant language spoken is Chinese. However, in London I hear of virtual armies of translators to aid teachers, seeing as over 50 languages are spoken. Yet, despite that, educational standards in the U.K. have dropped since the fifities and sixties before the adoption of multiculturalism.
To try and explain my point further: Blair and his New Labour Party don't believe in the dominance of a single culture and their policies will mean that Welsh, Irish, Scots and English will eventually comprise a possible minority ethnic group in the U.K. The fastest growing populations in the U.K. were Bangladeshi but the Polish and Romanian populations are also set to boom.
None of this is happening in China or Japan. China has no specific plan to diversify the Chinese people as a single ethnic group whereas Blair has taken for granted there will be no single ethnic majority in the U.K. in 50 years time. However, that's what happened to the Roman Empire before it fell aprt in division and internal conflict so I oppose multiculturalism as more flawed than even communism.

stevebaby said:
Chinese language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Postcard from China - Islam of the Orient
Google Image Result for http://www.humboldt.edu/~afr2/2001/photos/xian/images/Xian_Mosque02.jpg
Note poster in Mandarin promoting a biography of ObL,displayed in KunMing.
So ....no one is going to ask me what the 710 factor is. Then you must already know.
There is another point here too: The U.S. by promoting multiculturalism has maybe set the seeds for its own downfall. This is what we're seeing in Iraq for example. I mean, for all his faults Saddam managed to keep some kind of unity in Iraq under the Bathist Party. The U.S., however, has opened up all the old divisions and tried to set up a multiracial Government in Iraq, without considering Iraq has a totally different history than the U.S. As a result, we're seeing hostilities between the Shia and Sunni Moslems as well as the Kurds. How soon till it al erupts? In the past, Iraqis viewed one another simply as Iraqis.
In short, it's simply not going to work.
Next point: Are you aware the U.S. is going to terminate the former non-visa requirements for U.K. citizens which means you will now need a visa to take your holidays in Florida e.t.c.? Obviously, the U.S. has become aware the U.K. population is changing and becoming more anti-American as its ethnic diversity increases. I mean, let's be honest. Did you see the reception Condi Rice got in Blackburn - not a very warm one at that.
In short, the U.S. has promoted multiculturalism all over the globe since WW2 (except in Japan) but this is not in the U.S.'s interests. The U.S. may well have to deal with a huge anti-American, ethnically diverse United Kingdom (and maybe Europe) in a decade or so. It's only real ally may turn out to be Israel and perhaps some parts of Eastern Europe.

stevebaby said:
Chinese language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Postcard from China - Islam of the Orient
Google Image Result for http://www.humboldt.edu/~afr2/2001/photos/xian/images/Xian_Mosque02.jpg
Note poster in Mandarin promoting a biography of ObL,displayed in KunMing.
"Highly intrusive religious control extends to organized religious activities, religious practitioners, schools, cultural institutions, publishing houses, and even to the personal appearance and behavior of Uighur individuals. State authorities politically vet all imams on a regular basis and require “self-criticism” sessions; impose surveillance on mosques; purge schools of religious teachers and students; screen literature and poetry for political allusions; and equate any expression of dissatisfaction with Beijing’s policies with “separatism” – a state security crime under Chinese law that can draw the death penalty."
"Any item to be published [including news and articles] related to research and appraisal of Islamic religion must uphold the Marxist point of view of religion, and use the yardstick of the Party’s and the government’s religious policies and regulations."

stevebaby said:
Chinese language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Postcard from China - Islam of the Orient
Google Image Result for http://www.humboldt.edu/~afr2/2001/photos/xian/images/Xian_Mosque02.jpg
Note poster in Mandarin promoting a biography of ObL,displayed in KunMing.
jhuskey said:
So ....no one is going to ask me what the 710 factor is. Then you must already know.

If no one else is gonna ask you JH - I will.
What is the 710 factor, please ??

STILL waiting for an answer from the GOP faithful here to the original inquiry:

"Why do the Republican supporters on this site...still stubbornly back such clearly and heinously criminal politicians and their policies?


Having knowledge of the above...Why would you want to be associated with that?"

Since the evidence against Bu$hCo can no longer be denied, I assume this lack of response directly to the above 17 Points is tacit admission of said crimes, and thus regret, shame, and'or guilt by association?
What about the bombing of schools and monasteries in Yugoslavia?

Wurm said:

STILL waiting for an answer from the GOP faithful here to the original inquiry:

"Why do the Republican supporters on this site...still stubbornly back such clearly and heinously criminal politicians and their policies?


Having knowledge of the above...Why would you want to be associated with that?"

Since the evidence against Bu$hCo can no longer be denied, I assume this lack of response directly to the above 17 Points is tacit admission of said crimes, and thus regret, shame, and'or guilt by association?
Cinton was a bit of a warmonger. He pushed the war in Serbia to the hilt and he nearly caused WW3 when the Brits were ordered to stop Russian troops entering the zone of conflict. The Clinton Administration assumed that because Russia was experiencing a genuine economic crisis at the time, they (the U.S.) could do as they pleased. The British Army decided not to follow that order as they feared it would have pushed the Russians too far and maybe started another World War.
So, Clinton was equally reckless as Bush I think. He also bombed Iraq as a distraction from his own political scandals back home which was immoral and probably went some way towards fueling the 9/11 attacks.
Clinton's failure was war-mongering and also not wrapping up a peace deal with Iraq and finding a way to end sanctions against that country before too much hate was allowed to build up amongst extremists in the Arab World.

Wurm said:
What about it?
Carrera said:
Clinton's failure was war-mongering and also not wrapping up a peace deal with Iraq and finding a way to end sanctions against that country before too much hate was allowed to build up amongst extremists in the Arab World.
Here we go again.
Wurm said:

STILL waiting for an answer from the GOP faithful here to the original inquiry:

"Why do the Republican supporters on this site...still stubbornly back such clearly and heinously criminal politicians and their policies?


Having knowledge of the above...Why would you want to be associated with that?"

Since the evidence against Bu$hCo can no longer be denied, I assume this lack of response directly to the above 17 Points is tacit admission of said crimes, and thus regret, shame, and'or guilt by association?
Your "17 points" are a joke. You're a joke. I've read much of what you have posted here and your just a bitter sad fool. Your probably a loser who blames all his problems on other because you're a failure.

Bush is one of the greatest presidence in history. By the way, who do you look up to? I think we would all like to know. I'm guessing Fidel Castro.....:cool:

If the "evidence" showed Bush broke the law, he would be punished. You are one of the biggest idiots I've ever seen.

By the way, you might as well warm up to the idea of the GOP running things. The next president will be John McCain. AMEN!!:D