17 known impeachable offenses (so far) by The Worst Administration Ever™

Fortunately, I've been called some names in the past but, so far, touch wood, nobody has ever called me the "dumbest mother f*cker on the planet".
I couldn't have come up with that one in a million years. It has to go down as an all time classic! :) :rolleyes: :)
I think he's trying to emphasise there are lots of folks who believe in the 9/11 conspiracy theory but there's never been anyone who sticks to the theme like a dog with a bone. :D

Wurm said:
Carrera, I gave up on you some time ago, because you make about as much sense in your incessant ramblings as does tits on a boar.

In short: 'your a idiot'. :p
limerickman said:
I knew AG was from the South - but I didn't know that he was in your locality, JH.

You say that he left you undwhelmed. Can I ask how?

I've read quite a bit about him and he seems to be an intelligent guy.
He has long championed the environment and the affect of pollution on the planet.
He also seems to have the ability to understand and assimilate factual information.

The movie "An Inconcenient Truth" is getting great reviews on this side of the pond.
If in remember right, jhusky can confirm this, but AG did not carry his own state. The Democratic Party in this country is in deep trouble. AG is a sign of this. I do know the Clintons did not care for him. Hilary actually went out of her way to keep the Gore's away from the Clintons. I'm not sure of the reasons.
The movie would be getting great reviews on your side of the pond because of the anti-American movement today. I have not seen the movie so I cannot comment on it. But I do know people want to champion any cause they want to believe in. The right leaning people in this country have taken over the print/ television media and the left have discovered the power of movies. The left caters to the young in this country. Idealism. And movies are a way to get their message across..... Al Gore's recent trip to the middle east shows the way he contradicts his own beliefs.
In this country the right leaners have won the peoples vote. The elections since 1980 have proved this to be true. The left have claimed to have elections stole from them, but that is just patter and their justification as to why the people have not embraced their views. The lefties have taken over the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party is in trouble because of the lefties. {mainly the rich liberals of the east coast] The Party has abandoned the voting Democrats, and the elections have proved this to be true. The Democratic Party has embraced all the fringe groups.... The problem with this is that the Democrats built their power base with the working man. The working man has different political ambitions then the democratic fringe the Democratic liberals cater to ...... {Plus the fringe groups do not have high voting percentages]

There are many of us that wonder what happened to the Democratic Party. They have lost the people that matter to them getting elected. Until the Democrats distance themselves from AG, Howard Dean, Kerry and other rich liberal east coasters, they will not be in power again. The Powers that run the Democratic Party are the best thing the Republicans have going for them......
wolfix said:
If in remember right, jhusky can confirm this, but AG did not carry his own state. The Democratic Party in this country is in deep trouble. AG is a sign of this. I do know the Clintons did not care for him. Hilary actually went out of her way to keep the Gore's away from the Clintons. I'm not sure of the reasons.

I read George Stephanoplos (spelling) book about his time working for Clinton and he makes the same point as you : Hilary didn't like Gore.
GS view was that Hilary thought that AG was "too intellectual" (whatever that phrase is meant to mean).

wolfix said:
The movie would be getting great reviews on your side of the pond because of the anti-American movement today. I have not seen the movie so I cannot comment on it. But I do know people want to champion any cause they want to believe in. The right leaning people in this country have taken over the print/ television media and the left have discovered the power of movies. The left caters to the young in this country. Idealism. And movies are a way to get their message across..... Al Gore's recent trip to the middle east shows the way he contradicts his own beliefs.

The reviews here are done here by movie critics - not political commentators.
As a documentary - it's getting great reviews here.

wolfix said:
The left have claimed to have elections stole from them, but that is just patter and their justification as to why the people have not embraced their views. The lefties have taken over the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party is in trouble because of the lefties. {mainly the rich liberals of the east coast] The Party has abandoned the voting Democrats, and the elections have proved this to be true. The Democratic Party has embraced all the fringe groups.... The problem with this is that the Democrats built their power base with the working man. The working man has different political ambitions then the democratic fringe the Democratic liberals cater to ...... {Plus the fringe groups do not have high voting percentages]

There are many of us that wonder what happened to the Democratic Party. They have lost the people that matter to them getting elected. Until the Democrats distance themselves from AG, Howard Dean, Kerry and other rich liberal east coasters, they will not be in power again. The Powers that run the Democratic Party are the best thing the Republicans have going for them......

I'm not close enough to comment about the power struggle in the Democratic Party.
But I will defer to your knowledge, Wolf!
Wurm said:
Interesting how yet again, we see the Repig faction attacking the messenger instead of addressing the well-founded accusations against their heroes.

No...everybody makes fun of the moron..in this case it just happens to be you.
Wurm said:
Not likely. But you might try that tack on millions of other angry ******'s that feel the same way about the criminal Neo Con regime to see if it applies to them. (?)

OTOH, I'd say you're just angry that someone can throw the evidence in your face as well as I can, and won't stop until/unless these murdering pigs have been brought to justice.

You call it evidence - I call it conspiracy theory bumph.

You call it throwing it in my face - I call it clutching at straws

You call it "as well as I can" - I call it cut'n'pasting

You call them murdering pigs - I call them the voted in majority

You call it justice - I call it mob justice ala wurmy style

Only one Neo Con and no Bu$cho in that post - you're slipping wurm. Still - murdering pigs was a new and exciting tack.

Get your pitch forks and torches boys - it's time to go marching on the white house!

/awaits next moral indocrination with baited breath.
Wurm said:
Interesting how yet again, we see the Repig faction attacking the messenger instead of addressing the well-founded accusations against their heroes.


Phew! For a minute there I thought you were talking about me.

Fortunately I'm not a republican supporter.
Not a republican supporter.
Not a republican supporter.
Not a republican supporter.
Not a republican supporter.
Not a republican supporter.
Not a republican supporter.
Not a republican supporter.
limerickman said:
I read George Stephanoplos (spelling) book about his time working for Clinton and he makes the same point as you : Hilary didn't like Gore.
GS view was that Hilary thought that AG was "too intellectual" (whatever that phrase is meant to mean).

The reviews here are done here by movie critics - not political commentators.
As a documentary - it's getting great reviews here.

I'm not close enough to comment about the power struggle in the Democratic Party.
But I will defer to your knowledge, Wolf!

Sorry for late reply I am still busy. Al has been known as a flip flopper on issues while serving in congress. He had what I would term as a lack luster career until chosen as running mate for Clinton,who has much more charisma.
He is a typical career politician who has attempted to find a hook and luckily for him he stumble onto global warming,not to make light of global warming nor to debate it,but I believe it is just a vehicle for Gore to advance his career.
He finally found something that he could sucessfully debate without credible comebacks.
He was one of the few presidential candidates to lose his home state in an election. I believe this may have only happened once or maybe twice before ,but I am not sure.
Partisian politics aside I don't trust the man. We have governor thatis a democrat and I think he is doing a great job.
I don't really like the direction of the US at the moment but I am not certain that Mr .Gore is the solution to the problems.
I hope he makes great strides as an enviromentalist and hope he is sincere but I have my doubts.
I wonder what Wurm makes of the fact that arch Republican Arnold Schwarzennegger is about the only U.S. (or even global) politician thus far to make some serious attempt to do something about global warming - that is to act.
Yes, he's a Republican who believes in Republican values but also differs with Bush on various points.
I happen to believe Arnold is sincere in all of this. He's nobody's fool, has seen the devastation of Katrina and in Indonesia and has cottoned on that something has to be done - or we're all gonna be history.
Rather than going on and on about Bush being behind 9/11, Arnold is acting and moving forwards. Good for him!
There's something for Wurm to chew over. ;)

Eldron said:
Phew! For a minute there I thought you were talking about me.

Fortunately I'm not a republican supporter.
Not a republican supporter.
Not a republican supporter.
Not a republican supporter.
Not a republican supporter.
Not a republican supporter.
Not a republican supporter.
Not a republican supporter.
jhuskey said:
Sorry for late reply I am still busy. Al has been known as a flip flopper on issues while serving in congress. He had what I would term as a lack luster career until chosen as running mate for Clinton,who has much more charisma.
He is a typical career politician who has attempted to find a hook and luckily for him he stumble onto global warming,not to make light of global warming nor to debate it,but I believe it is just a vehicle for Gore to advance his career.
He finally found something that he could sucessfully debate without credible comebacks.
He was one of the few presidential candidates to lose his home state in an election. I believe this may have only happened once or maybe twice before ,but I am not sure.
Partisian politics aside I don't trust the man. We have governor thatis a democrat and I think he is doing a great job.
I don't really like the direction of the US at the moment but I am not certain that Mr .Gore is the solution to the problems.
I hope he makes great strides as an enviromentalist and hope he is sincere but I have my doubts.
Gore appeared on Oz tv recently.He impressed many Oztralians with his intelligence and wit,two qualities that guarantee he will never be elected in the US.I have no doubt of his sincerity.He has publicly stated that he no longer has any interest in politics.he's 61 years old and independently wealthy.What would he have to gain? What career is he advancing?
stevebaby said:
Gore appeared on Oz tv recently.He impressed many Oztralians with his intelligence and wit,two qualities that guarantee he will never be elected in the US.I have no doubt of his sincerity.He has publicly stated that he no longer has any interest in politics.he's 61 years old and independently wealthy.What would he have to gain? What career is he advancing?

He has his eye on the 2008 Democratic nomination.
Trust me he is a typical politician no better and no worse than the others.
I believe his present position is that he has no plans to run for president but it is not yet time to commit.
As far as wealth,poor people do not run for high office. Why? Because they can't afford to.
Why do rich people want to be president. I assume the lust for power.
I have great doubts of his sincerity his record is wishy washy depending on what benefits his purpose.
Our last governor was republican and should have been jailed for his great service to the state.
I don't hold Mr. Gore in much higher esteem that him. Democrat /Republican, I call as I see em.

Just to add another thought. I liken perceptions of some politicians in other countries to a married woman to her lover.
She tells you only what you want to hear and you only get the good stuff without having to deal with the ****.
Debating politics is no win situation,why don't we debate cycling and doping that hasn't been done lately. :rolleyes:
jhuskey said:
He has his eye on the 2008 Democratic nomination.
Trust me he is a typical politician no better and no worse than the others.
I believe his present position is that he has no plans to run for president but it is not yet time to commit.
As far as wealth,poor people do not run for high office. Why? Because they can't afford to.
Why do rich people want to be president. I assume the lust for power.
I have great doubts of his sincerity his record is wishy washy depending on what benefits his purpose.
Our last governor was republican and should have been jailed for his great service to the state.
I don't hold Mr. Gore in much higher esteem that him. Democrat /Republican, I call as I see em.
He specifically said that he has no interest in the 2008 election or politics generally.He was very critical of the political process in the US,so critical that I do not believe that he could now run for any office in the US.Oz may be on the other side of the world but the Net makes the world a small place and his comments would come back to haunt him,and he knows it.
As more than a few local commentators noted..."What a great President America missed out on."
jhuskey said:
Debating politics is no win situation,why don't we debate cycling and doping that hasn't been done lately. :rolleyes:
Doping? Cycling? In the same sentence?
Say it ain't so,Joe...say it ain't so...
Carrera said:
"dumbest mother f*cker on the planet".
I couldn't have come up with that one in a million years. It has to go down as an all time classic!

Yes, that was quite a coup by Eldron, wasn't it? Very original...and what a brainstorm it must have been to come up with!!


Doesn't take a lot to amuse you, eh?

Carrera said:
...but there's never been anyone who sticks to the theme like a dog with a bone.

That could be because it's one of the most despicable crimes committed by a democratic gov't against its people, and because with murder there is no statute of limitations.
Carrera said:
Rather than going on and on about Bush being behind 9/11, Arnold is acting and moving forwards.

"Acting"? Yes, he's good at that. Also good at unwanted groping of women.

"Moving forwards"? How about: he's ignoring their complicity because it suits him politically.
Eldron said:
You call it evidence - I call it conspiracy theory bumph.

You call it throwing it in my face - I call it clutching at straws

You call it "as well as I can" - I call it cut'n'pasting

You call them murdering pigs - I call them the voted in majority

You call it justice - I call it mob justice ala wurmy style

Only one Neo Con and no Bu$cho in that post - you're slipping wurm. Still - murdering pigs was a new and exciting tack.

There is plenty of evidence, some of which I have provided on this forum. Your farcical denials in no way detracts from those facts.

****** was 'the voted in majority' too.

But then, Bush/Cheney did not win the actual popular vote in '00 or '04 - their voter disenfranchisement and fraudulent vote counts did however win it for them.

Reams of evidence exists which proves this as well. But since we haven't seen it prosecuted by the GOP majority in Congress, you take that to mean none of it happened.

Nice logic there, genius.

Isn't "Neo-Con" what they call themselves, and what political scientists have classified them as? Actually, they're also known loosely as Straussians, or at least were strongly influenced by Leo Strauss' views. That's one thing you'll not hear them bloviate much about.

Seems that you're running out of canards to peddle.
****** never got a majority vote, the conservatives put him in power because they needed a nutbag like ****** with paramilitaries to destroy the left.

Wurm said:
There is plenty of evidence, some of which I have provided on this forum. Your farcical denials in no way detracts from those facts.

****** was 'the voted in majority' too.

But then, Bush/Cheney did not win the actual popular vote in '00 or '04 - their voter disenfranchisement and fraudulent vote counts did however win it for them.

Reams of evidence exists which proves this as well. But since we haven't seen it prosecuted by the GOP majority in Congress, you take that to mean none of it happened.

Nice logic there, genius.

Isn't "Neo-Con" what they call themselves, and what political scientists have classified them as? Actually, they're also known loosely as Straussians, or at least were strongly influenced by Leo Strauss' views. That's one thing you'll not hear them bloviate much about.

Seems that you're running out of canards to peddle.
I don't think much of the Bush Administration. The invasion of Iraq seems to me to have been a mistake. I suspect Bush invaded for a variety of reasons:
(1) He had a very naieve conception he could transfer democracy to the Middle East in the same way as Japan after WW2.
(2) He believed once sanctions came to an end, the U.S. would be pushed out of the oil market and ousted by Russia and France. Maybe he also suspected Iraq could rearm and Saddam could try to advance a WMD program.
(3) He had a personal beef with Saddam that clouded his judgement seeing as Saddam tried to assassinate Bush Senior.
Having said all that, I think this stuff about Bush personally being involved in the twin towers attacks stretches credibility beyond all boundaries. This theory first took root immediately after the 9/11 attacks in parts of the Arab World and was later adapted by extreme liberals in America and Europe. It's source lies in denial that there was ever a serious threat posed by Al Quaida which is something Bill Clinton would strongly deny - as he took Bin Laden quite seriously.

Wurm said:
Yes, that was quite a coup by Eldron, wasn't it? Very original...and what a brainstorm it must have been to come up with!!


Doesn't take a lot to amuse you, eh?

That could be because it's one of the most despicable crimes committed by a democratic gov't against its people, and because with murder there is no statute of limitations.
I can't see the point in knocking Schwarzennegger and dwelling only on the negative. He accomplished a hell of a lot for bodybuilding when it was a minority sport and some of Arnold's movies were huge back in the nineties.
Politically he is far more liberal than Bush and now he seems to be actually doing something to protect the envvironment. He's also tackled the obesity issue in his country and done lots of charity work with handicapped children.

Wurm said:
"Acting"? Yes, he's good at that. Also good at unwanted groping of women.

"Moving forwards"? How about: he's ignoring their complicity because it suits him politically.
Carrera said:
I don't think much of the Bush Administration. The invasion of Iraq seems to me to have been a mistake. I suspect Bush invaded for a variety of reasons:
(1) He had a very naieve conception he could transfer democracy to the Middle East in the same way as Japan after WW2.
(2) He believed once sanctions came to an end, the U.S. would be pushed out of the oil market and ousted by Russia and France. Maybe he also suspected Iraq could rearm and Saddam could try to advance a WMD program.
(3) He had a personal beef with Saddam that clouded his judgement seeing as Saddam tried to assassinate Bush Senior.
Having said all that, I think this stuff about Bush personally being involved in the twin towers attacks stretches credibility beyond all boundaries. This theory first took root immediately after the 9/11 attacks in parts of the Arab World and was later adapted by extreme liberals in America and Europe. It's source lies in denial that there was ever a serious threat posed by Al Quaida which is something Bill Clinton would strongly deny - as he took Bin Laden quite seriously.

Bush invaded because of the 710 factor.