The my best experience this year was riding my secound century on a bent. I went from my home in
Sioux City to the Minnesota border and then back to my mom's house in Rock Rapids on the occasion of
our 15th wedding anniversary. After I arrived at mom's house she took my wife and I out for a nice
dinner. The route took me back to the places where I grew up. I went by some old neighbours farm
places and at one of them they were standing outside. I waved at them as I went buy & they waved
back. After being gone for over 20 years I wonder if they recognized me or even were the same people
at the farm place but it still was nice seeing the old places.
Sioux City to the Minnesota border and then back to my mom's house in Rock Rapids on the occasion of
our 15th wedding anniversary. After I arrived at mom's house she took my wife and I out for a nice
dinner. The route took me back to the places where I grew up. I went by some old neighbours farm
places and at one of them they were standing outside. I waved at them as I went buy & they waved
back. After being gone for over 20 years I wonder if they recognized me or even were the same people
at the farm place but it still was nice seeing the old places.