On 13 Apr 2005 13:35:12 -0700,
[email protected] wrote:
>Yes. I do a lot of climbing standing.
>re: nick or scratch - I don't see one but it may just be hard to see
>after the fact.
>There is a crack in the same arm near this break in the next two
>pictures. None visible on the right arm as far as I can tell.
Sounds like maybe you need stronger cranks, then, and perhaps it's
wise to start watching for cracks no matter what kind you get.
OTOH, if you contact Ritchey's company, they might replace the failed
units. It's worth a phone call in my estimation.
I don't know what Tom Ritchey (and his company) may have in the way of
engineering and materials expertise in-house, but I will note that in
the field of auto racing, parts from suppliers that are of the "racer
turned maker" variety tend to have a much higher failure rate than
those from car makers. OTOH, the Ritchey stuff that I've had (and
still have, for that matter) has been good enough for what *I* do,
which isn't all that strenuous. (No cranks, though.)
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