Whats with the obsession of roadies to avoid every single pothole on the road? Do they really think their precious bikes are made of glass and will shatter into a million pieces if they hit a tiny bump? Newsflash: its not a smooth, glassy road, its a real road with real imperfections. And guess what? Youre not going to die if you hit a pothole.
I mean, come on, Ive seen guys swerving all over the road to avoid a pothole thats barely visible, and in the process, theyre putting themselves and others at risk. Whats the point of that? Are they trying to win some kind of bet on who can ride the smoothest? Its just ridiculous.
And dont even get me started on the ones who insist on taking up the entire lane to avoid a pothole on the side of the road. Do they not understand that there are other people on the road who might actually need to use that lane? Its not all about them and their fragile bikes.
And whats with the constant scanning of the road for potholes? Cant they just relax and enjoy the ride? Its like theyre on some kind of mission to find every single pothole on the road and avoid it at all costs. Its exhausting just watching them.
Im not saying that potholes are fun to ride over, but come on, theyre not the end of the world. A little bump here and there is not going to kill you. And if youre really that concerned about your bike, maybe you should just stick to riding on the bike path.
So, roadies, I ask you: whats the deal with your pothole phobia? Are you all just a bunch of wimps who cant handle a little bit of rough road? Or is there something more to it? Do you really think youre going to be the first person to ever die from hitting a pothole? Inquiring minds want to know.
I mean, come on, Ive seen guys swerving all over the road to avoid a pothole thats barely visible, and in the process, theyre putting themselves and others at risk. Whats the point of that? Are they trying to win some kind of bet on who can ride the smoothest? Its just ridiculous.
And dont even get me started on the ones who insist on taking up the entire lane to avoid a pothole on the side of the road. Do they not understand that there are other people on the road who might actually need to use that lane? Its not all about them and their fragile bikes.
And whats with the constant scanning of the road for potholes? Cant they just relax and enjoy the ride? Its like theyre on some kind of mission to find every single pothole on the road and avoid it at all costs. Its exhausting just watching them.
Im not saying that potholes are fun to ride over, but come on, theyre not the end of the world. A little bump here and there is not going to kill you. And if youre really that concerned about your bike, maybe you should just stick to riding on the bike path.
So, roadies, I ask you: whats the deal with your pothole phobia? Are you all just a bunch of wimps who cant handle a little bit of rough road? Or is there something more to it? Do you really think youre going to be the first person to ever die from hitting a pothole? Inquiring minds want to know.