Whats with the obsession among roadies to turn every ride into an excuse for a coffee stop, and do they genuinely believe that the rest of us care about their caffeine-fueled navel-gazing sessions? Is it really necessary to hijack every group ride and turn it into a coffee shop crawl, or is this just a pathetic attempt to cling to some semblance of social interaction? Do roadies honestly think that the highlight of a ride is sipping overpriced coffee and regaling each other with tales of their mediocre Strava performances, or is this just a desperate cry for attention? And whats with the snobbish attitude towards those who dont partake in this coffee shop ritual - are they somehow less of a cyclist for not indulging in this pretentious nonsense? Is the coffee shop stop really the pinnacle of cycling culture, or is it just a tired cliché thats been perpetuated by a bunch of wannabe hipsters who think theyre above the rest of us? And can someone please explain why every ride has to end with a coffee stop - cant these people just enjoy the ride for what it is, rather than turning it into some kind of pseudo-social event?