Whats with the obsessive need for roadies to know the exact distance theyve ridden? Is it truly a matter of life and death, or is this just another example of cyclists trying to out-pedant each other? Do they really need to know theyve hit 23.7 miles exactly to feel a sense of accomplishment, or is this just an excuse to show off their fancy GPS devices?
And lets be real, who actually remembers their exact mileage from a ride a week ago, a month ago, or a year ago? Is it truly that important to recall that they did 42.3 miles on their Sunday group ride last January, or are they just pretending to care so they can sound more impressive at the local bike shop? And dont even get me started on the guys who insist on uploading their every ride to Strava, complete with turn-by-turn directions and detailed pace analysis. Who are they trying to impress?
Cant roadies just enjoy the ride for once, without feeling the need to quantify every last detail? Or is the constant pursuit of data and metrics really what gets them out of bed in the morning? And whats the real benefit of knowing that exact distance, anyway? Does it truly make them a better rider, or is it just a hollow bragging right?
And lets be real, who actually remembers their exact mileage from a ride a week ago, a month ago, or a year ago? Is it truly that important to recall that they did 42.3 miles on their Sunday group ride last January, or are they just pretending to care so they can sound more impressive at the local bike shop? And dont even get me started on the guys who insist on uploading their every ride to Strava, complete with turn-by-turn directions and detailed pace analysis. Who are they trying to impress?
Cant roadies just enjoy the ride for once, without feeling the need to quantify every last detail? Or is the constant pursuit of data and metrics really what gets them out of bed in the morning? And whats the real benefit of knowing that exact distance, anyway? Does it truly make them a better rider, or is it just a hollow bragging right?