Is it not ironic that road cyclists, who often complain about the high cost of their hobby and the exclusivity of the sport, feel the need to shell out hundreds of dollars on the latest pro team kit, only to have it become outdated and obsolete a year later? Does the constant pursuit of the latest and greatest in cycling fashion truly enhance ones riding experience, or is it simply a status symbol that serves to further alienate casual cyclists and newcomers to the sport? And what does it say about the cycling community that many riders seem more concerned with looking the part than actually putting in the miles and enjoying the ride? Are we so focused on emulating the pros that weve lost sight of what it means to be a cyclist in the first place? Is it not time to redefine what it means to be a serious cyclist, and move away from the mentality that equates expensive gear and flashy kits with authenticity? Or are we doomed to be forever bound to the whims of the cycling fashionista crowd, chasing after the latest trends and fads like lemmings off a cliff?