What is it about Zwifts map design that makes it so uninspired and lacking in creativity? Its astonishing that a platform that prides itself on innovation and realism can produce routes that feel like they were designed by a committee of unenthusiastic bureaucrats. The lack of nuance and attention to detail is staggering, with roads that seem to be little more than straight lines with occasional arbitrary curves. Where is the flair? The panache? The sense of place and history that makes real-world cycling so captivating?
And dont even get me started on the scenery. The same tired, low-poly trees and buildings repeated ad infinitum, with nary a unique landmark or point of interest to break up the monotony. Its like they took every boring, cookie-cutter suburban neighborhood and mashed them all together into a featureless, soulless mush. How hard can it be to create a virtual world thats even remotely as engaging as the real one?
I mean, whats the point of having a platform that can supposedly simulate the thrill of racing and the joy of exploration if the environment itself is so dull and uninviting? Is it really too much to ask for a little bit of imagination and creativity in the design process? Or are we just stuck with this bland, uninspired mess forever?
And dont even get me started on the scenery. The same tired, low-poly trees and buildings repeated ad infinitum, with nary a unique landmark or point of interest to break up the monotony. Its like they took every boring, cookie-cutter suburban neighborhood and mashed them all together into a featureless, soulless mush. How hard can it be to create a virtual world thats even remotely as engaging as the real one?
I mean, whats the point of having a platform that can supposedly simulate the thrill of racing and the joy of exploration if the environment itself is so dull and uninviting? Is it really too much to ask for a little bit of imagination and creativity in the design process? Or are we just stuck with this bland, uninspired mess forever?