Why does Zwift think we all want to ride alone? Its mind-boggling that a platform built on the idea of community and social interaction is still stuck on the notion that the majority of its users prefer solo rides. Newsflash: we dont. At least, not all the time. Ive lost count of how many times Ive tried to join a group ride, only to be met with a sea of solo riders cruising along at their own pace. Wheres the camaraderie? The banter? The sense of shared suffering that comes with grinding up a virtual mountain with a bunch of like-minded cyclists?
Its not like Zwift doesnt have the tools to facilitate group rides. They do. But somehow, theyve managed to make it more complicated than it needs to be. Want to ride with a friend? Better hope youre both online at the same time and can coordinate your schedules. Want to join a group ride? Good luck finding one thats not already full or doesnt require some convoluted sign-up process.
And dont even get me started on the social features that are supposed to make Zwift feel more like a community. Ride with a friend is just code for ride next to a friend while you both stare at your respective screens in silence. Wheres the chat function? The ability to share tips and advice with fellow riders? The sense of community that comes with being part of a larger group?
Its time for Zwift to rethink its approach to social riding. We dont all want to ride alone, and its time they started catering to those of us who crave a more communal experience. So, Zwift, heres the question: are you going to start taking social riding seriously, or are you just going to keep pretending that we all love riding solo?
Its not like Zwift doesnt have the tools to facilitate group rides. They do. But somehow, theyve managed to make it more complicated than it needs to be. Want to ride with a friend? Better hope youre both online at the same time and can coordinate your schedules. Want to join a group ride? Good luck finding one thats not already full or doesnt require some convoluted sign-up process.
And dont even get me started on the social features that are supposed to make Zwift feel more like a community. Ride with a friend is just code for ride next to a friend while you both stare at your respective screens in silence. Wheres the chat function? The ability to share tips and advice with fellow riders? The sense of community that comes with being part of a larger group?
Its time for Zwift to rethink its approach to social riding. We dont all want to ride alone, and its time they started catering to those of us who crave a more communal experience. So, Zwift, heres the question: are you going to start taking social riding seriously, or are you just going to keep pretending that we all love riding solo?