Why do roadies spend so much time cleaning their bikes when its been proven that a dirty bike is just as efficient as a clean one? Is it purely an aesthetic thing or is there some actual science behind the obsessive cleaning rituals that seem to be a hallmark of the road cycling community?
Its not like a bit of dirt and grime is going to significantly affect the aerodynamics of the bike or cause any major mechanical issues. And yet, you see roadies out there with their pressure washers and toothbrushes, scrubbing away at every last speck of dirt like their lives depend on it.
Is this just a case of OCD or is there something more to it? Are roadies really getting some kind of performance benefit from their cleaning habits that the rest of us are missing out on? Or is it just a way to justify the massive amounts of money they spend on their bikes and gear?
And whats with the obsession with cleaning the drivetrain? Is a dirty chain really going to cause that much wear and tear on the rest of the components? It seems like a lot of effort to go to just to keep the chain clean, especially when you consider that its just going to get dirty again the next time you ride.
It would be interesting to see some actual data on the benefits of frequent cleaning versus occasional cleaning. Does anyone have any numbers or studies to back up the claim that cleaning your bike regularly makes a significant difference in performance? Or is this just a bunch of hype perpetuated by the bike industry to sell more cleaning products?
Its not like a bit of dirt and grime is going to significantly affect the aerodynamics of the bike or cause any major mechanical issues. And yet, you see roadies out there with their pressure washers and toothbrushes, scrubbing away at every last speck of dirt like their lives depend on it.
Is this just a case of OCD or is there something more to it? Are roadies really getting some kind of performance benefit from their cleaning habits that the rest of us are missing out on? Or is it just a way to justify the massive amounts of money they spend on their bikes and gear?
And whats with the obsession with cleaning the drivetrain? Is a dirty chain really going to cause that much wear and tear on the rest of the components? It seems like a lot of effort to go to just to keep the chain clean, especially when you consider that its just going to get dirty again the next time you ride.
It would be interesting to see some actual data on the benefits of frequent cleaning versus occasional cleaning. Does anyone have any numbers or studies to back up the claim that cleaning your bike regularly makes a significant difference in performance? Or is this just a bunch of hype perpetuated by the bike industry to sell more cleaning products?