Are road cyclists inherently miserable, or does the constant pursuit of marginal gains and the pressure to present a pro image just suck the joy out of the sport. Why do roadies always look like theyre about to cry, even when theyre supposedly enjoying a scenic ride. Is it the Lycra, the clipless shoes, or the obsessive focus on speed and efficiency thats causing this epidemic of seriousness. Dont get me wrong, I get it, training is hard, recovery is boring, and crashes are scary, but do roadies have to look like theyre constantly constipated. Whats with the lack of smiling, the absence of laughter, and the perpetual scowl. Are roadies just trying to intimidate everyone else on the road, or are they genuinely that unhappy. And whats with the tough guy act, as if a few hours of riding in the rain or a few hard intervals are somehow comparable to actual hardship. Newsflash: its just a bike ride, folks, not a life-or-death struggle. Can someone please explain to me why roadies always look so serious, and whether its possible to enjoy the sport without looking like a complete grump.