whats UPD??

UnPlanned Dismount

We don't say 'fall' because you don't actually fall.....unless of
course you just took a big header...then you clearly 'fell'

Sofa - You Tu Tu Tuni?

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[image: http://www.addis-welt.de/smilie/smilie/schild/rtfaq.gif]
You may not find the answer to "What's does UPD mean?" in the FAQ, but
it should be the first answer in the list!
Ken Cline wrote:
> *Which, by the way, is the eighth definition (of nine) returned by
> www.acronymfinder.com. I'm amazed it made it there.*

I think I might have submitted it. I also submitted one of the meanings
for the acronym RSU. Afterwards I regretted not capitalising the first
letter of each word, but it doesn't really matter.

Rowan - _________

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On Wed, 14 Apr 2004 22:55:51 -0500, "Rowan" wrote:

>I think I might have submitted it.

Maybe you did, but I did as well, almost 1.5 years ago. See

Klaas Bil - Newsgroup Addict
Clearly a system of 1/14 and 1/16 is not decimal - Mikefule on the English weight system
OK you must have submitted it then Klaas, I submitted some other
unicycle related acronym after not finding it in there. My memory isn't
too good, unlike yours. Maybe I submitted Tuni!

Rowan - _________

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UnPlanned Dismount

We have major UPDs and minor UPDs. Major ones are sometimes called
"crash". Unless intentional, anytime you come off the Uni is a UPD. But
we say its only a "crash" if something other than your feet hits the
ground. (like your hands, or a shoulder, or a face)
:eek: -one's expression during a UPD

Memphis Mud - Student of GrandMaster 2T

Mantra: Avoid Hitting Tailbone...Avoid Hitting Tailbone...

"do not think, just ride"...muniracer
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Sofa wrote:
> *We don't say 'fall' because you don't actually fall.....unless of
> course you just took a big header...then you clearly 'fell' *

I like UPD with Extreme Prejudice.

brian.slater - Nellfurtiti, the Wonder Cat

Brian C. Slater
AKA: Snoopy

Ok, I am now officially in my normal state of -advanced- confusion.
Don't try to confuse me, it won't make any difference.

"To not decide is to decide" - undecided
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So If I walked up to one of you sometime and was talking about a ride,
would it be right to say "up-da" in speaking conversation refering to a
UPD? Or would you say unplanned dismount?


The Great Rabbidous has spoken. Muah ha ha haaaaaaaaaa.
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Sunday, while on a MUni ride with S_Wallis, I coined a new term (SUPD).
After riding the Coker exclusively, upon getting back to MUni on my
24x3, I found myself dismounting for no good reason. I made a remark to
Scott about all my Stupid UPD's (SUPD's).
These SUPD's occur for no apparent reason, usually after clearing a more
difficult section, then dismounting while riding on the easy stuff:D ;)

Krashin'Kenny - Crash Tested

If you ain't crashing, you ain't going fast enough!!!!!!!!!!!

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Is that pronounced "sue-pee-dee?"?

Krashin'Kenny wrote:
> *Sunday, while on a MUni ride with S_Wallis, I coined a new term
> (SUPD). After riding the Coker exclusively, upon getting back to MUni
> on my 24x3, I found myself dismounting for no good reason. I made a
> remark to Scott about all my Stupid UPD's (SUPD's).
> These SUPD's occur for no apparent reason, usually after clearing a
> more difficult section, then dismounting while riding on the easy
> stuff:D ;) *

mscalisi - Not such a newbie anymore
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I've always liked the argument (previously somewhere on this forum) that
there is no such thing as an "unplanned" dismount. All dismounts are
planned even if at the very last instantaneous moment. :)

Then on another tack, I wonder if it's possible for the unicycle to plan
the dismount. Sometimes I think my ride continuously scans the upcoming
terrain looking for the opportune moment to pitch me headfirst into the
vast stretches of the stratosphere.


yoopers - Bruce & Mary Edwards
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i, and anyone I've heard say it out loud have always just said the three
letters...you - pee - dee

I never thought it would be up for discussion...that's weird! What does
Andrew_Carter with his funky lighbulbs call it?

Sofa - you - pee - dee

'Unicycle Product Reviews' (http://tinyurl.com/368h6) *107* reviews on
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Sofa's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/706
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Scott Kurland, RMT wrote:
> * A savings of exactly one syllable, but hey, if we weren't quirky....
> *

True, true. Actually, unplanned is one word. We could change uplanned
dismount to "UD," and UPD could mean something else. Like Unicycling
Penile Discomfort. :D

digigal1 - 3 revs on carpet! ;)

Omni for Uni and Uni for Omni!
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