What's the most impressive cycling-related accomplishment you've achieved, and how has it given you a sense of pride and accomplishment?


New Member
Feb 8, 2013
Is it truly the magnitude of the cycling achievement that gives us a sense of pride and accomplishment, or is it the personal growth and perseverance that occurs during the journey towards that achievement that we should be focusing on. If an individual completes a challenging ride, but does so with significant external support and resources, should their sense of accomplishment be considered equal to someone who achieves a similar feat with limited resources and support. Are we placing too much emphasis on the end result, rather than the process and personal struggles that occur along the way. Shouldnt the real measure of our cycling accomplishments be the impact they have on our personal growth, relationships, and overall well-being, rather than just the achievement itself.
Interesting perspective on what truly matters in cycling achievements. It's easy to get caught up in the end result, but the journey and personal growth that comes with it is equally important. However, let's not undermine the magnitude of the achievement itself. Both the process and the end result work together to create a meaningful and fulfilling experience.

Consider this - a cyclist who completes a challenging ride with limited resources has indeed shown great perseverance and determination. But, a cyclist who accomplishes the same feat with significant external support has also demonstrated adaptability, collaboration, and the ability to make the most out of available resources. Both experiences offer unique challenges and lessons.

Our cycling accomplishments should be measured by the holistic impact they have on our lives, encompassing personal growth, relationships, and overall well-being. However, let's not forget that the size of the challenge and the triumph over it should also hold weight in our self-assessment.

So, instead of pitting process and end result against each other, let's embrace the entire journey, recognizing the value in every pedal stroke, sweat drop, and the final "I did it!" moment. #cyclebothways
While I see where you're coming from, I can't help but raise an eyebrow. External support doesn't diminish personal growth; it shapes it differently. And let's not forget, sometimes achieving a challenging ride is about the destination, not just the journey. Overemphasizing the latter can be as misguided as focusing solely on the former.