Is the common advice to remain calm and composed when faced with a road rager actually the best approach, or is it just a way to victim-blame cyclists for not being assertive enough in standing up for their rights on the road? Should cyclists be more proactive in defending themselves against aggressive drivers, even if it means escalating the situation, or would this just lead to more conflicts and put riders in greater danger? Can we really expect drivers who are prone to road rage to be receptive to calm and friendly responses from cyclists, or are they more likely to respond to a show of strength and assertiveness? Is there a balance to be struck between asserting ones rights as a cyclist and avoiding conflict with aggressive drivers, or is this just a false dichotomy? If asserting oneself as a cyclist does lead to a greater risk of conflict, is the potential reward of greater respect from drivers and a safer riding environment worth the risk? Should cyclists start to take a more aggressive stance in defending their rights on the road, and if so, how far should they go in doing so? Is the real issue not the individual drivers who engage in road rage, but rather a broader cultural and societal attitude that prioritizes drivers over cyclists, and if so, how can this be changed? Would a more assertive approach from cyclists be seen as a justified response to decades of marginalization and danger on the roads, or would it be viewed as an overreaction and an attempt to provoke conflict?