Why is it that everyone always recommends drinking water to stay hydrated during a ride, but nobody ever mentions the importance of electrolytes? I mean, think about it, when youre hammering down a long descent, your body is losing way more than just water, its losing salts and minerals too. And yet, everyone just guzzles water like its the answer to all their hydration prayers. Newsflash: its not.
And dont even get me started on the so-called hydration experts who say that you should only drink when you feel thirsty. Are you kidding me? By the time you feel thirsty, its already too late, your body is already dehydrated. And what about the whole drink to thirst vs drink by schedule debate? Its like, whats the point of even having a hydration plan if youre just going to ignore it and drink whenever you feel like it?
And while were on the subject of hydration plans, whats with all the conflicting advice out there? Some people say drink 1 liter per hour, others say drink 2 liters per hour, and then there are those who say just drink whenever you feel like it. Its like, cant we just get a straight answer for once?
Im planning a big ride with a lot of descending and I want to make sure Im staying hydrated, but Im sick of all the conflicting advice out there. So, whats the real deal? Whats the best way to stay hydrated during a ride with a lot of descending? Is it really just a matter of drinking water and electrolytes, or is there more to it than that? And whats the deal with all the different hydration products out there? Are they worth the money, or are they just a waste of time?
Oh, and one more thing, whats with all the cyclists who insist on drinking coffee before a ride? Dont they know that caffeine is a diuretic? Its like, hello, youre already going to be losing water on the ride, why make it worse by drinking a cup of coffee beforehand?
And dont even get me started on the so-called hydration experts who say that you should only drink when you feel thirsty. Are you kidding me? By the time you feel thirsty, its already too late, your body is already dehydrated. And what about the whole drink to thirst vs drink by schedule debate? Its like, whats the point of even having a hydration plan if youre just going to ignore it and drink whenever you feel like it?
And while were on the subject of hydration plans, whats with all the conflicting advice out there? Some people say drink 1 liter per hour, others say drink 2 liters per hour, and then there are those who say just drink whenever you feel like it. Its like, cant we just get a straight answer for once?
Im planning a big ride with a lot of descending and I want to make sure Im staying hydrated, but Im sick of all the conflicting advice out there. So, whats the real deal? Whats the best way to stay hydrated during a ride with a lot of descending? Is it really just a matter of drinking water and electrolytes, or is there more to it than that? And whats the deal with all the different hydration products out there? Are they worth the money, or are they just a waste of time?
Oh, and one more thing, whats with all the cyclists who insist on drinking coffee before a ride? Dont they know that caffeine is a diuretic? Its like, hello, youre already going to be losing water on the ride, why make it worse by drinking a cup of coffee beforehand?