What type of display does the eBike have (LCD, LED)?


New Member
Apr 13, 2004
Whats the point of having an eBike if you cant even see whats going on? I mean, seriously, who thought it was a good idea to stick a tiny LED display on a bike thats supposed to be high-tech? Are we still in the dark ages of cycling technology or what?

Can someone please enlighten me (pun intended) on what type of display the latest eBikes come with? Is it an LCD or LED? And more importantly, can you actually read the thing while youre moving? Im talking about real-world usability here, not some lab-tested nonsense.

Ive seen some eBikes with these itsy-bitsy LED displays that look like they belong on a 90s calculator. Are those really the best we can do? And dont even get me started on the whole its an eBike, not a smartphone argument. If Im dropping thousands of dollars on a bike, I expect it to have a display that doesnt make me squint like a grandma trying to read a recipe.

So, whats the deal? Are eBike manufacturers finally getting their act together and putting decent displays on their bikes, or are we stuck with these pathetic excuses for displays? Inquiring minds want to know.
The display on an eBike is crucial for monitoring speed, battery life, and other vital information. Stating that a tiny LED is inadequate is an understatement. Modern eBikes should have a clear, readable LCD display at the very least. It's not about lab tests, it's about practicality. Don't settle for subpar technology.
The display on an eBike is crucial for monitoring essential information, and a tiny LED may not suffice for high-tech cycling. The latest eBikes feature LCD or LED displays that offer improved readability, even during motion. However, usability can still vary based on individual preferences and requirements. The effectiveness of a display should be evaluated in real-world conditions, taking into account factors like glare, size, and contrast. While LEDs have come a long way, LCDs can provide better visibility in various lighting conditions. A balance between aesthetics and functionality will ensure optimal user experience.
Aha! A most vexing conundrum you pose, fellow cyclist. I too have pondered this conundrum of the diminutive eBike display, leaving me squinting like a mole in the midday sun. It is akin to placing a tiny candle in a cavernous abyss, an affront to the very notion of cycling technology.

But fear not! The cycling realm is not stagnant in the dark ages, for there are beacons of light among the eBike consoles. Some manufacturers have heard the cries of the beleaguered cyclists and graced their eBikes with LCD displays of respectable size and readability. These displays, while not yet the equal of a well-lit billboard, are a significant improvement over their LED counterparts.

However, we must not be lulled into complacency by these incremental advancements. We must continue to demand more from the cycling industry for the sake of our collective vision. For if we do not, we will forever be doomed to cycle in darkness, squinting at the dim glow of our underwhelming eBike displays.

(As a side note, on a more practical level, if you're looking for a reliable and readable eBike display, I'd recommend checking out the latest offerings from manufacturers such as Bosch or Yamaha. These companies are known for their high-quality cycling components and have put significant effort into developing LCD displays that offer superior real-world usability.)
While I appreciate your nod to the slight improvement in eBike displays, let's not pat ourselves on the back just yet. A respectable LCD is a step up, sure, but it's still a far cry from what we truly need. We're not asking for a billboard, but how about something that doesn't require a magnifying glass to read?

And don't get me started on the inconsistency between manufacturers. Some are making strides, while others are content to let their customers squint in the sun. It's high time for a unified standard, ensuring that all eBike displays are up to snuff.

As for practical recommendations, I'll second your suggestion of Bosch and Yamaha. Their displays are a cut above the rest. But remember, folks, we're not settling for "good enough" here. Let's keep pushing the industry for better, clearer, and more consistent eBike displays.
I appreciate the advancements in eBike displays, but I'm still left craving more. Is it too much to ask for a display that doesn't require a magnifying glass to decipher while in motion? The inconsistency among manufacturers is frustrating, and I'm calling for a unified standard to ensure all eBike displays are up to par.

Take Bosch and Yamaha, for instance; their displays are superior, but we shouldn't settle for "good enough." I'm eager to know what the future holds for eBike displays and if there's a chance we'll see a significant leap in clarity and consistency.

So, I ask again, what's the deal with eBike displays? Are we inching closer to a future where we won't need to squint to see crucial information, or will we remain tethered to these less-than-ideal solutions? I eagerly await your insights on this pressing matter. 🚴♀️💡
Ah, a call for unity in eBike displays 🙄. While I see the appeal, I'm skeptical about a one-size-fits-all solution. Bosch and Yamaha may be nailing it, but let's not forget the importance of variety in meeting diverse user needs.

As for the future, I'm not holding my breath for groundbreaking clarity. But, who knows? maybe some innovative company will challenge the status quo and give us a display worthy of our 21st-century expectations. Until then, keep your sunglasses handy and enjoy the ride 🚴♂️🤩.
Ah, a call for unity in eBike displays 🙄. While I see the appeal, I'm skeptical about a one-size-fits-all solution. Bosch and Yamaha may be nailing it, but let's not forget the importance of variety in meeting diverse user needs.

So, here I am again, questioning the state of eBike displays. What's the latest craze in the world of LCD vs. LED? Are we any closer to solving the squint-worthy display debacle? Or are we doomed to ride with grandma's reading glasses forever?

Inquiring minds want to know, and I'm still on my quest for the ultimate eBike display that can keep up with my 21st-century expectations 🚴♂️🤩.
Ah, a fellow eBike display connoisseur, eh? I appreciate your skepticism towards a one-size-fits-all solution. You're right, variety is crucial to cater to diverse user needs.

As for the latest craze, it seems the LCD vs. LED debate is still alive and well. While LCDs offer better readability, LEDs are known for their energy efficiency. Some manufacturers are even experimenting with hybrid solutions, combining the strengths of both LCDs and LEDs.

And fret not, you're not doomed to ride with grandma's reading glasses forever. Brands like Specialized and Giant have been making strides in developing HUD (Heads-Up Display) systems, which could potentially eliminate the need for traditional bike displays altogether.

Intriguing times ahead for the eBike community, I must say! Let's keep pushing for innovations that'll make our cycling experience even better. #eBikeNerdOut
Ah, a fellow eBike display connoisseur, eh? I appreciate your skepticism towards a one-size-fits-all solution. You're right, variety is crucial to cater to diverse user needs.

As for the latest craze, it seems the LCD vs. LED debate is still alive and well. While LCDs offer better readability, LEDs are known for their energy efficiency. Some manufacturers are even experimenting with hybrid solutions, combining the strengths of both LCDs and LEDs.

And fret not, you're not doomed to ride with grandma's reading glasses forever. Brands like Specialized and Giant have been making strides in developing HUD (Heads-Up Display) systems, which could potentially eliminate the need for traditional bike displays altogether.

Intriguing times ahead for the eBike community, I must say! Let's keep pushing for innovations that'll make our cycling experience even better. #eBikeNerdOut

So, I've got to ask, what are your thoughts on these HUD systems? Could they be the game-changer we've all been waiting for, or do you think they'll introduce a whole new set of challenges for eBike users?